Friday, February 29, 2008

the day the sun didn't shine...

Today was the day I had to go to school to do the second round of the sun homework. It didn't start very well. It was raining at about 7. The sun didn't come out till one-ish. I was about to leave school for home when the sun decided to cast a shadow.

So, at 2ish, Jack*son and I started the long wait. The first 3 went well enough. Then the coulds came. You could look (not stare) at the sun through the curtain of coulds. The sun just couldn't penetrate the thick cloud layer. This meant a wasted 2 hours and the need to go down tomorrow to redo the experiment.

I rather the sun didn't shine. It would have been better than starting to shine and not staying around to cast shadows.


Would you give $4 if a little kid came up to you?

Apparently, I wouldn't.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

another night, another dream...

I recently did a Dr. Phil's test on Facebook. I have no idea what the result of the test meant. But one of the questions asked was regarding the type of dreams that you have. I answered that I usually have pleasant dreams. No matter how weird my dreams might have been, they were at least pleasant, never nightmarish.

Well, there will be a first time for everything. This morning's dream was a tad dark. The dream started out well enough. It was a night, and I was walking through a courtyard area that had large ponds with arowanas in them. The courtyard had many stone animals scattered around. And there were people just sitting around and talking. Nothing really weird.

Then I walked to the end of the courtyard which had a road leading to the main road. You can see traffic on the main road but the road leading to it was totally dark and flanked by vegetation. The vegetation was so thick that it made the road even darker. Walking onto the road, the road was empty. Then there was a man walking in from the other side. Suddenly, a gorilla like figure jumped out of the vegetation and attacked the man. I started running towards the man and I woke up. Yea, weird dream.

On a real life note, a known terrorist is running around in Singapore. Suddenly, I don't feel very safe anymore.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

self reflexivity...

What is self reflexivity you ask? It's something that is repeated many times over in many different modules in school. It is the art of knowing yourself. Maybe not an art, but a good skill to have.

And what are blogs but a platform for the writers to exercise some self reflexivity. You might not do it consciously, but I think everyone does a hint of it at some part of their lives. Another way that we can learn more of ourselves is through friends.

So what did I learn about myself today? I learnt that what I believed about myself is accurate enough. Friends might not really tell you something about yourself that you have never thought about. But friends do affirm the traits that you think you have. Today, I learnt that I am emotionally cold. I always thought that I was cold. And today, a friend affirmed it.

Am I disturbed that I have such a 'undesired' trait? Not really. I don't really think it's an undesirable trait. It's all about not freezing up too much. But I like being cold. I think I do.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

non stop action...

How was my weekend? I say that it was most fulfilling. And action-packed to say the least. And I was quite tired out. Quite tired out indeed.

This weekend marks the starts the beginning of the break week. It's not really break, but who cares. there's no school. Break week is actually more tiring than normal school weeks because people tend to do more stuff, on top of the school stuff that they have to finish.

Friday evening was spent with my JC classmates. Class BBQ. The girls have all started working and everyone is talking about getting jobs and graduating. Personally, that's quite depressing. I really don't want to think about work, all the more about finding work. We then went on to talk about juicer stuff that is censored off the blog. Haha. Someone commented that I would end up with a girl that is 5 years my junior. Well, while I wouldn't say that it will never ever happen, I will say that even if I do end up with a comparatively younger girl, she will still be more matured and sensible than the people in my JC class combined.

Saturday was truly a Boys' Brigade day-out. Went to Wild Wild Wet (WWW) at DowntownEast. I didn't intend to get into the water, but after 10 minutes, it got too boring and I went into the water. It was fun for about the first time you try the rides, but after awhile, it's not that interesting after awhile. It was more entertaining looking at Boys trying to dunk/splash/suplex people in the tsunami pool. The night time event was nice as well. Got to see many old people that you don't usually get to see. But it was another late night.

Waking up today at 8am was a miracle by itself. Iv*an Chu*a came to church today. No, not a relative. He's one of those people that you don't get to see very often. Pau*l Ng*a is coming next week. So exciting. After church was spent playing bridge, in church, till 5. Nothing wrong, right? Ya, nothing wrong.

Went home and fell asleep. When I woke up at 8, I thought it was another day. It might as well have been. I hope I get some rest this week. Break must mean something.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

a title...

A title, a title, I need a title.

I think I've written an entry long ago regarding the title of a book, Harry Potter no less. I recall it as Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I started being unhappy with the title as it was unrepresentative of the book as a whole. I then went on to suggest some other titles that could prove better. At the end of the entry, I conceded that coming up with titles isn't as easy as it sounds.

Now, I'm really having that problem. I have an article that does not have a befitting title. And since Gra*cia doesn't know the existence of this blog, I think the title that she gave (which is still there) sucks. The titles that I have given were (in the words of Derr*ick) either too academic, non-representative or long.

I need a title that is at most 6 words long, representative of the article and preferably in a conversational tone. And even if I do come up with a title that fits these criteria, it might be changed along the way by the (overstatement) "army" of sub-editors.

A title, a title, where art thou title?

Sunday, February 17, 2008


My younger brother just signed up for enlistment.

I forgot how funny some of the things in the questionair are.

Pure entertainment. Especially when my younger brother is the one filling it out.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

valentine day...

What day is it?

It's Valentine day. And guess what?

There's no other half. Surprising?

No, not really.

If more of the guys around me were attached, I might be more compelled to be attached as well.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

sunrise and sunset...

I finally remembered what I wanted to blog about yesterday. I wanted to talk about the sunrises and sunsets in Singapore.

What time does the sun rise? If you've lived in Singapore your ENTIRE life, you would probably say sometime around 7am. Yup, the sun rises at 7am in Singapore. But if you check with most other countires, the sun rises at 6am. AND, in actual fact, the sun rises at 6am. It only rises at 7am in Singapore.

Why might you ask is this the case? The reason is that Singapore is special and the sun is always late so that it does not need to pay ERP.

Actually, it's because Singapore is on permanent daylights saving time. Too few Singaporeans wake up at 6am to effectively make use of the sun at 6am, therefore, the government has decided to make the sun rise at 7am.

I was always amazed when I watched movies and they show the sun blazing at 6 is the morning. Now I know that it is suppose to.

Monday, February 11, 2008

writer's strike...

If you haven't heard, there is headway in the writer's strike. Yay!!! This means dramas are coming back. In actual fact, I forgot what I had initially wanted to blog about. Therefore, it's just a piece of random fact.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

chinese new year...

It's now Sunday. That's 4 days of running around, eating really heaty stuff, playing majong and most of all, collecting angbaos. If you're married, there's still 11 days of Chinese New Year to go.

There is school tomorrow and I feel totally wasted. I need a good break. I need a good break to catch up on readings and maybe start studying. I miss J*inhan, he'll make us study in school. Sere*ne is another story.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

the kite runner...

For some reason, I keep saying The Kite Flyer instead of The Kite Runner. It might be that kites don't really run, they fly. But I guess that's just me.

Anyway, watched The Kite Runner yesterday at The Cathy. Yea, I watched it at the most expensive cinema chain in the country. Though I must say that the cinema was worth all $10 of the ticket. Wide seats and ample leg space helped.

Back to the movie. If you have not read the book before the movie, parts of the movie would feel abrupt. And the book explains alot more of the traditional Afghanistan practices that would explain some of the strange antics of certain characters. However, I would have to say that the movie remained faithful (a legitimate Literary term) to the book. Instead of reinterpreting the book, the movie followed the plot quite strictly. The movie only left out the last part of the book, the part where Amir had to get through lots of bureaucratic red tape to bring the nephew home.

I liked the movie. If you caught the movie, you would be able to pull off convincing most people that you read the book. Most people would obviously refer to people who have not read the book.
It's been raining alot recently. So it means that I have not been able to take the photograph of the shadow of the ring. Such a letdown.