Wednesday, September 30, 2009

gift of prophecy...

After BS, we went down to Holland for a drink but ended up at Swensens for ice cream. Before we left, SQ said that he wanted to go to Cold Storage to get some snacks. Being SQ, he added that you'll never know which pretty girl might you can bump into at Cold Storage. She might not be able to reach for an item in the top shelf and might ask us for help getting it. You wonder what kind of (short) girl you would bump into at 1030 at night.

Anyway, I followed SQ to Cold Storage and we were at the snacks sections when I felt a hand touch my back to ask for help. I turned around to find this elderly Japanese lady asking us to reach for a can on the top shelf. Gift of prophecy. SQ might have gotten some of the details wrong. But it was near enough.

On another note, we are doing this book on disciplines for BS. A couple of months ago, we tried this "discipline for a week" thing. That time, I tired to do QT everyday for a week. Failed that time. So we are doing it again this week. For this week, I'm going to be gentle for a week. So for one week, I will not snap at people. Practice gentleness. If you know me well enough, you know this is going to be fun for everyone around me.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Where did the time go?

I'm not extremely busy. But I'm tied up enough with enough things floating in my mind. When I cannot focus, my mind drifts to the 101 things that seems to be fighting for my undivided attention. But the unfortunate thing is, my attention is already divided in 102 ways leaving nothing much anywhere.

I want to watch a couple of movies. Namely the Brad Pitt one about how they would have liked to kill Hitler. It is a work of fiction, so please don't ask anyone if what you are watching actually happened. The other thing that I would like to watch is 9. It's a Tim Burton flick. I am quite a Tim Burton fan. Is there really any other reason why I shouldn't be watching it?

But it seems that movie watching has become a luxury. Where can I find time to watch? I probably have to give up something. Like a social life. I'm even putting off the trip to the dentist because I don't think it's responsible for me to remove a wisdom tooth right now. Okie, time is anther reason. I cannot find enough time to not talk. Or more accurately, talk and not be understood.

I cannot wait for the semester to be over. Bla*ckboard isn't working. I wonder what the hell the institution is doing? How did they ever ensured the well being of the students when all the administrative things they have are riddled, plagued even, with problems. Of course there are a couple other things that can be brought up, but then again, where is the time?

Then how did I find the time to do this? No time for anything else, but there is time for a blog post? Well, I'm waiting for the Blackb*oard to work. Maybe that's what all the breakdowns are for. They are all put there to help students find free time. BUT it is so stressing everyone out.

unlike me...

I did something that I never thought I would do. At least not something that I would do this young in my life. Maybe it would happen, like 89 years down the road.

Today, opps, it's yesterday already. YESterday, I went to meet a friend for lunch at Holland. Only to find out that it was happening next week. And the awesomest thing was, I actually met my friend. It wasn't one of those awkward phone calls where I say "huh" like 10 times. It was a life face to face conversation where I said "aren't you having lunch with me? what do you mean you are going swimming?"

So yes, while I do admit that I forget things from time to time, I don't recall being wrong for an appointment's DAY. Maybe I'm really getting old.

Right before I left for Holland, there was a bunch of people laughing at how old I am. Talk about being old.

Monday, September 21, 2009

how busy are you?

I'm supposed to be busy. But then again, how busy am I? I'm blogging. There are stuff to do. But I'm just not compelled to do anything. PBL? That's like the last thing on my mind.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I wonder if writing about something sad is easier than writing about something happy. Maybe it's the way that I've grown up. A life that was filled with sadder stuff? Maybe.

Occasionally, I can hear a neighbour screaming at her child. I think I've actually seen this neighbour before. Once at the lift lobby. I think she was conscious that I was there. She tried to not scream. But still, it was too loud for me. Thinking about the child with a less than sensitive mother made me want to write. But then again, maybe I shouldn't.

lis low...

As an English teacher, I feel victimised. VICTIMISED.

Yes, I don't deny the fact that there are some English teachers out there who cannot speak English for their lives. When you lie on the bed unable to sleep, you wonder how they became English teachers in the first place.


Saying that her state of English is so bad is solely her teachers' fault. That's just plain WTH. For the record, I've never met anyone else who speaks like her. To claim that half of Singaporeans speak like her is a total insult to Singaporeans. The "Speak good Engrrriish" guy might as well claim that if you speak proper English, there is a 50% chance you aren't Singaporean.

If you are wondering what all this is about, go read the forum in the Life section of The Straits Times on the 19th of September 2009. All the hoo-haa over a beauty queen who needs speech therapy.

Maybe her real name is Lis Low.

Monday, September 14, 2009


What do you do when you cannot produce something? I really don't know. So I'm blogging. How is blogging going to help? Not entirely sure either. Hopefully, the typing, the writing, the putting together of thought will help in the same few aspects of writing the essay. It's not an entirely note-worthy effort to be inspired to write. But this is one of the few things I can probably do.

I'm going to read abit after this.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

they just don't get it...

When will people understand that people never do things because they are are forced to do them. Yes, I'm indirectly talking about where I am right now.

Sure they will always say that it's for your own good. That it is important because it would prepare us for the future to come. But really? Does it? when you are forced to do so much more. So much more that do not seem to tie into anything related to what we are going to do.

It was like differentiation in amath. Where does that lead to in life? Did learning differentiation make me a better person? Prepared me for a better future?

I cannot believe that I'm already disillusioned. They just don't get it with their tight fist squeezing tighter around my seemingly strangled life.