Saturday, September 19, 2009

lis low...

As an English teacher, I feel victimised. VICTIMISED.

Yes, I don't deny the fact that there are some English teachers out there who cannot speak English for their lives. When you lie on the bed unable to sleep, you wonder how they became English teachers in the first place.


Saying that her state of English is so bad is solely her teachers' fault. That's just plain WTH. For the record, I've never met anyone else who speaks like her. To claim that half of Singaporeans speak like her is a total insult to Singaporeans. The "Speak good Engrrriish" guy might as well claim that if you speak proper English, there is a 50% chance you aren't Singaporean.

If you are wondering what all this is about, go read the forum in the Life section of The Straits Times on the 19th of September 2009. All the hoo-haa over a beauty queen who needs speech therapy.

Maybe her real name is Lis Low.


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