Wednesday, September 09, 2009

they just don't get it...

When will people understand that people never do things because they are are forced to do them. Yes, I'm indirectly talking about where I am right now.

Sure they will always say that it's for your own good. That it is important because it would prepare us for the future to come. But really? Does it? when you are forced to do so much more. So much more that do not seem to tie into anything related to what we are going to do.

It was like differentiation in amath. Where does that lead to in life? Did learning differentiation make me a better person? Prepared me for a better future?

I cannot believe that I'm already disillusioned. They just don't get it with their tight fist squeezing tighter around my seemingly strangled life.


Anonymous Victor L said...

Differentiation is an important concept to understand if you want to pursue a career in engineering.

However, I do agree you cannot simply tell a person to do things just because they are 'good' for you. This form of education, somehow, does not encourage a person to analyze and think critically. He or she is then more liable to be manipulated by other people easily in the long-run under such education system.

How differentiation should be taught is how it came about, and how it can be justified and useful, understanding every step of the thought process and analytical skill of the person who invented such a concept. However, differentiation itself is build upon many other mathematical concepts. To understand it completely, you need to peel off (i.e analyze critically) these other layers of mathematical concepts. This make the learning process very difficult and also intimidating even for the teacher to teach. For humans generally have very short memory, and so they only like to understand things or even do things using very simple operations. They do not care about about how a machine works underneath but only cares about how it is going to be useful to them, and similarly, this is why they say it is for your own good that you learn differentiation for they too do not understand it completely! Also, this is why there are so many diverse and a variety of specializations in different fields and industry in today society.

Sunday, September 13, 2009 4:15:00 am  

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