Tuesday, June 28, 2005

kids these days...

well just came back from camp... okie... didn't JUST come back... came back on saturday... today is tuesday already... spent 3 days in school trying to get some people to work others to stop talking and most of all to get them to learn more of themselves and at the same time try to learn abit more about myself... everyday is a journey of self discovery...

no i did not go to one of those freshman camps where they tell you that it's a chance to meet new people and to familarise yourself to the school... personally don't really believe in orientation camps... you get to meet people in the end... anyways i've got a great reason... not an excuse... i went for a leadership camp for the boys brigade...

well maybe being in army forces you to get out and grow up... maybe we really expect too much of the sec 2 kids... but when i went through it when i was in sec 2 we definately went through worst things... but that's long ago... when the police wrote shorts... okie maybe not that long... kids these days are pampered... which brings us to the question... so why did they join in the first place... someone told me they actually had interest but because of other reasons since then they've lost that interest... which leads them to be absent... and if they are there... they'll be dragging their feet everywhere...

kids these days complain about everything... much like they way i'm complaining about them now... they complain that we give them no free time and why they must complete tasks in stipulated timing... why not tell them to do it and then let them do it in their own time... but they do realise that there are lots to do and only 3 days to do it...

i'm not saying that all of them are like this... but really maybe they need to know when not to act like the kids they are...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

butt itchy...

okie... as in the previous entry i wrote that singapore really has no news... which is good news... cause then we all get to live in peace... right?

apprently not... because singapore so peaceful... reporters if they don'y spice up the news then evryone will only buy the newspaper to line the bottom of their pets living area... so in order to move up the rungs of famous-ness... reporters in singapore really have to work extra hard to spice up the news...

so some poor souls that got involved in the recent nudie on the blogs... both are "famous" in their own sense... so one of them... famous for writing in the only english tabloid in singapore, butt itching, called one of the chinese tabloids and ended up switching identies with the other blogger famous for being a "slut" (this is from the chinese tab)...

so now really bad.. the famous one turning infamous... cause not everyone read english tab... never see her face before... all the chinese readers only see her face will want to wag their chinese fingers at her and say," How come nowsaddays... young girls all like that..." okie they probably say it in chinese...

so from one small little nonsense thing... now turn into some big big thing... so the moral of thing story... nothing to do with you don't need to say so much... wanna say also don't need to go to some stooooopid chinese tab which probably don't really understand the english that comes out of your mouth... don't butt itchy go do some thing that is, i qoute form the blogger involved... "A certain amount of recklessness, and perhaps some stupidity, I'd say"

Sunday, June 19, 2005

singapore and it's bloggers...

recently singapore bloggers have been the staple of singaporearn news... from the nude picture of one young girl sprouted the beanstalk of the rights and wrongs of blogging-dom... actually if you ask me this is another ploy to outlaw blogging by some stuck in the mud politician who believes in the innocence that is singapore... okie maybe that's just me being paranoid...

well since singapore is so nice and orderly that no big news actually happens... (for which i'm actually very grateful...) and since there is no big news... like dennis keller and her beau walking down some exotic island just south of singapore... the newspaper actually has to report on something... so currently it's the bloggers of this tropical island...

as reported in an english tabliod... (by the way there is only one english tabliod in singapore..) singapore bloggers are not creative and most keep blogs like a daily online dairy listing out the highlights of their often uneventful day or used as bitching tools... just look into the papers... it's actually a miricle that someone 50 year old chopped up his china lover and hurled her body parts all over singapore... and the worst thing is that the blogs are over-hyped...

but i digress... well i beg to differ... singapore bloggers are not uncreative and not at all over-hyped... the over-hyped ones just happens to contain certain adult material that the world is so capable in sourcing out... well there are blogs by singaporeans that are well written opinions... (see mine... hahaha) since speaker's corner is so far away and so troublesome to get a permit... still have to let the authorties vet what you are going to say... it's basically not cool enough of the young of this age... some of my friends write pretty good blogs... sure we don't get 8000 hits a day... but it's just our way of getting ourselves heard...

so it's no wonder that bloggers have started springing up everywhere... it's the in thing... blogging now is seen as a status symbol for some... it's really more of a fad for some... for others it's a chance to become famous or infamous... if you don't get discovered in your own back yard... the internet definately spreads over into your neighbours'...

Thursday, June 16, 2005

xiaxue liao...

okie maybe i really am living in a bubble... (see previous post from long ago...)
but i finally got around to reading the famous blog by xiaxue... actually it's totally funny... okie it's more bitchy than funny... but then again i do find bitchy funny... (don't ask why...) but really is there is there a huge difference?

anywayz... she quite cute what... more cute than that spg... hahaha...(i don't think this is going to offend anyone cause i don't think too many people actually read this... so i'm not apologising to anyone...)

anywayz, once more... in her blog she wrote than in this world we live in if we want something... per say... a zouk card... we must ask... if you don't have the balls to ask for it probably you don't derserve to have it... (okie the balls part i wrote myself...) if you don't ask then no one is going to give it to you... okie i must clarify this asking thing... really it doesn't really work... it only works if you're a cute like xiaxue... really... ask any of the normal looking girls and they'll probably tell you they've been rejected... ask any guy and they'll tell you that they've an image to upkeep and not want to be seen as freeloader... the people that ask usually have skin thicker than a rhino's butt... really... BUT... still no offence to anyone reading this whom may have done this once, twice or more than that... proves about the skin thickness...

but i must say that xiaxue is quite thick skin... the first thing she says about herself is that her PSLE result is 269? wow!!! self praise??? big fat hairy deal... this is singapore... at least she wrote later that it doesn't mean anything... but she's like how comfortable with herself... she has links to anti xiaxue sites... hahaha... i hope she doesn't get wind of this and list me under the anti xiaxue sites... i actually like her blog!!! did you hear me?!?

anywayz, for the last time... if you haven't seen mr and mrs smith... you should... especially if you are in some relationship problem... i mean it... if there's one thing the show teaches everyone is that lies will inevitably sink the ship... talking it out... the truth is the only way to save a relationship... and if are not in any relationship trouble then it's still a good, not great flick to watch... at least it's funny...

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

i just realised that the last few entries are total blogs of crap... since darth vader i think... okie... i didn't just realised... i knew that everytime i wrote some new piece of blog crap... honestly it's some piece of writer's block... and that's a big problem... when read this you may think," what is alvin talking about??? it's not like he a world reknown blogger that attract people from all over the world... so what if he can't write a decent piece of crap..." okie... i admit... it's not a big problem... but it's my problem... so it's the most important problem... it would be yours too if u had it...

famous bloggers are either funny or ultra honest... mines neither... it's too poser... (this part's actually ultra honest...)

anyways... today i went to the bank cause my giro application was rejected cause my signature not consistant... so one year after i changed from thumbprint to signature i changed from signature back to thumbprint... at least i'm sure my thumbprint will be consistant... but this means that i have to go to a bank to apply for giro... at first i thought i could change to another signature... but the counter lady said that if my siganture is inconsistant then i'll have to go to the bank to sign... might as well use a thumbprint... that's why the thumb is there...

Saturday, June 11, 2005

a dee da day...

it was to be a day of celebration... but i was in no mood for a celebration... unfortunately... they got the most joyless person... in my opinion currently... to orgainse a joyful occassion... and that person is me... the worst thing was we were to do something that embodies celebration of life... and yet i can think of none... in the end we played soccer... and the day turned out fine... not great but fine... thankfully...

but i realised something... joy is not something that i can create... rather joy is more recieved than given... i got joy not from myself but from others... and God...

though i would like to dish out some joy... woefully i am quite joy retarted...

today's joy came from the people around me... they made life all the more easy to get by with the nonsense they ply out every other day...

Monday, June 06, 2005


no this is not about the new tv show... this is about the feeling... the feeling you get when you feel that you can no control when you don't know what to do...

a friend's grand parent just recently passed on... fortunately he has accepted Christ... this person's grand parent would make her the third person i know whose grand parent is "moving on"... i don't really know what to say in cases like this... it's actually so awakard... you don't really know them to be sad yet to be anything more and sorry would seem too disrespectful...

once long ago... a friend told me her granddad passed on...i told her sorry... she asked me what i am i sorry for... which i replied well it just sounds like the most correct thing that i could say... to this day i still don't know if it is the correct thing to say... it was probably the politically correct thing... but not the correct thing anyways...

for all those who has lost someone... be comforted that they at least have found somewhere better than here...

Sunday, June 05, 2005

nuts and berries...

this is by an anonymous "guest writer" forwarded via other people who got it forwarded to them...

life is like a fruit cake...
filled with different colours and flavours...
sweet berries like you and crazy nuts like me...
so don't worry, be crazy!!!

hahaha... not much meaning...

p.s. : elena i did ask u... you said u were working...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

it's a new record!!!

okie... as of 1330 on the 4th June 2005 i'm been awake for 29 hours... no it's not a s/m method... but it's the longest i'm been awake... even in the army when i'm on exercise, the longest i've been awake straight is 21 hours odd...

on the stroke of midnight, when the 4th began, i took a walk with the bb people through the back roads of singapore to macritchie... i spent a good three hours sitting outside a shell gas station waiting for the sun to rise to enter the dark forest... by the time we went it was crawling with people...

lots of things happen in the dead of the night... at two we walked into orchard road only to find the shops closed... (obviously...) but there were people and taxis and cars as if it were ten... walked by shang ri la... they were having a big international gathering of defence people... the police set up road blocks and were everywhere... surprised they didn't stop us... did we really looked that harmless/innocent???

honestly i thought i'll be more tired... but apprently i'm now more tired that i've slept... yaWNz...

Thursday, June 02, 2005

smells like....

i may have a problem with my nose... physically it's fine and all... but i don't think it's working that well at all...

in fact it happened just yesterday... maybe i was hungry... but i smelt satay... well most people would think it's normal... but it's not... not in the place i was at... i was at a pool saloon at lucky plaza... i thought it was coming from the new eateries outside but when i left i couldn't find the satay... the worst part is i think it may have been the smell of second hand smoke... can someone please tell me they invented a new flavour of cigs that smells like satay? please...

anyways i watched the flick madagascar... nothing to do with how the island got it's name... it's about this inert need to be free... and how we can never outrun ourselves... anyways the critics are wong as usual... they wrote something like, "it's only good till they reach the wild..." actually it's half true... the funny bits are in the front part but the more important life lesson is in the more boring "wild" part... but i think the flick is ultimately a platform for increasing the sale of steak... honestly, it is... what do u see the most in the flick... other than the main characters... the steak is the only other thing that is featured in the zoo part and the wild part... the part when all the lemurs( these are the furry things that go," u got to move it move it... MOVE IT!!! ) start popping into dancing steak... if this isn't an attempt to get people to eat steak i don't know what is... so anti vegans... but then again... most kids aren't... most kids eat like their favourite dinosaur... t-rex...

anyways... after the movie i did feel like steak... but i didn't get any... maybe that's way i smelt satay...