Tuesday, June 21, 2005

butt itchy...

okie... as in the previous entry i wrote that singapore really has no news... which is good news... cause then we all get to live in peace... right?

apprently not... because singapore so peaceful... reporters if they don'y spice up the news then evryone will only buy the newspaper to line the bottom of their pets living area... so in order to move up the rungs of famous-ness... reporters in singapore really have to work extra hard to spice up the news...

so some poor souls that got involved in the recent nudie on the blogs... both are "famous" in their own sense... so one of them... famous for writing in the only english tabloid in singapore, butt itching, called one of the chinese tabloids and ended up switching identies with the other blogger famous for being a "slut" (this is from the chinese tab)...

so now really bad.. the famous one turning infamous... cause not everyone read english tab... never see her face before... all the chinese readers only see her face will want to wag their chinese fingers at her and say," How come nowsaddays... young girls all like that..." okie they probably say it in chinese...

so from one small little nonsense thing... now turn into some big big thing... so the moral of thing story... nothing to do with you don't need to say so much... wanna say also don't need to go to some stooooopid chinese tab which probably don't really understand the english that comes out of your mouth... don't butt itchy go do some thing that is, i qoute form the blogger involved... "A certain amount of recklessness, and perhaps some stupidity, I'd say"


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