Sunday, June 19, 2005

singapore and it's bloggers...

recently singapore bloggers have been the staple of singaporearn news... from the nude picture of one young girl sprouted the beanstalk of the rights and wrongs of blogging-dom... actually if you ask me this is another ploy to outlaw blogging by some stuck in the mud politician who believes in the innocence that is singapore... okie maybe that's just me being paranoid...

well since singapore is so nice and orderly that no big news actually happens... (for which i'm actually very grateful...) and since there is no big news... like dennis keller and her beau walking down some exotic island just south of singapore... the newspaper actually has to report on something... so currently it's the bloggers of this tropical island...

as reported in an english tabliod... (by the way there is only one english tabliod in singapore..) singapore bloggers are not creative and most keep blogs like a daily online dairy listing out the highlights of their often uneventful day or used as bitching tools... just look into the papers... it's actually a miricle that someone 50 year old chopped up his china lover and hurled her body parts all over singapore... and the worst thing is that the blogs are over-hyped...

but i digress... well i beg to differ... singapore bloggers are not uncreative and not at all over-hyped... the over-hyped ones just happens to contain certain adult material that the world is so capable in sourcing out... well there are blogs by singaporeans that are well written opinions... (see mine... hahaha) since speaker's corner is so far away and so troublesome to get a permit... still have to let the authorties vet what you are going to say... it's basically not cool enough of the young of this age... some of my friends write pretty good blogs... sure we don't get 8000 hits a day... but it's just our way of getting ourselves heard...

so it's no wonder that bloggers have started springing up everywhere... it's the in thing... blogging now is seen as a status symbol for some... it's really more of a fad for some... for others it's a chance to become famous or infamous... if you don't get discovered in your own back yard... the internet definately spreads over into your neighbours'...


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