Monday, December 26, 2005

further reflections...

well i'm neither foolish nor am i wise... at least i hope...
according to a popular saying... not sure from where though...

the foolish doesn't learn from their own mistakes...
most of the rest learn from their own mistakes...
the wise however... learn from other people's mistakes...

one will never know how important a person is till they've made them cry and they stop talking to them...

the worst week of my life... haha...

haha... i guess this is one of the worst weeks of my life... if you wanna know... i guess i'll tell you... but only in person... people who have spent this week with me should understand... and to those that may have been unfortunately embroilled into my screwed up week... i apologise... a thousand times if need...

Friday, December 23, 2005


hmmm... narnia is good very very good... much better than king kong on hindsight... even though everyone keeps saying it's kid's version of lord of the rings... i thought it was just as good as lotr...

there are quite a few hiddin meanings in the movie... some of which i will try to list...

let's see... first of all it starts with the kids in london being bombed by german planes... then they got sent to a country house where they stayed with a guardian... there they found a wardrobe... through the wardrobe they entered narnia... but in narnia they got embroilled in a war too... i think what cs lewis wanted to say was that there was no way that people could really escape the war... even by entering a fantasy world...

then there is the sarcificial love that aslan (the lion... is this how you spell his name???) he gave his life for the person that betrayed them... edmund... which was ironic because later his attribute was justice... anyways... yup... it follows the teachings of christianity... that jesus gave his life for all the sinners of the world...

okie... i can only think of these two now... haahhaaha...

got my results today... actually... the results are kinda of shitty... either that or the people i hang around with are too clever... need to study harder and more regularly next sem...

Friday, December 16, 2005

king kong...

two movies in two days... hahaha... i was trying to cut down on the number of movies that i watch... unfortunately... it doesn't seem to be working this week...

the movie is a whoopping 188 minutes long... that's 3 hours and 8 minutes... including credits...
i must admit that the movie was a tad draggy in the beginning... but it sure picked up when the huge creatures starting running around and as dr malcom said in jurassic park... then the screaming will start... the movie was actually surprisingly sentimental... i have no idea what happened in the movie in the era gone past... or even how it ended... but it sure couldn't be as emotional as this...

jack black in a serious role is SERIOUSLY not funny... his antics is as usual funny... but there was a feeling that his humour was slightly hampered... his lines could be funny but his character as a sly, evil, double crossing movie producer is really hardly funny...

the captian of the ship is like batman... just when you think you are going to die a horrible death... he appears shooting at what ever is killing you and saves the day... if it happens one time then sure i would still mention it... but i wouldn't call him batman... it happened twice in the movie... twice saving jack black's behind... twice going against his word that he's going to leave jack on the island to be killed...

then there is this minor role... played by a "dunno who"... apparently... he has never used a gun before... but he manages to shoot off huge grasshopper like creatures form broody's character which broody was spinning around... he must either have a natural gift with guns or he is a really bad shot and all his shots missed broody...

watts is the female lead in the movie in the movie... yup... the went to the island to film a movie... wow... she can scream... when she does... king kong runs to her rescue... apparently thre reason it seems is that she makes king kong laugh... but she really has this set of big bueatiful...
eyes... her sad face is only made all the better with her big bueaatiful gentle tearing eyes...

king kong is a 25 foot tall monkey... he fights off 3 t-rexes... and in fact the way he kills things abit extreme... watching the movie and yes you will notice that king kong do not kill his enemies... he destorys them... and it seems that all the creatures on the island are huge and have big pointy teeth... i must say really BIG pointy teeth... even the bats are huge with big pointy teeth... but king kong just tears them to shreds... tears them to shreds is not a figure of speech here...

never thought i would sit through another 3 hour plus plus movie after titanic... but i was wrong... wondering if anything after this will be longer... peter jackson has a thing with making long LONG moives...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

pride and prejudice...

hmmm... always enjoyed a good old english flick... this is really a good old english flick... based on the book by jane austin it tells the tale of a family with 5 daughters waiting to be married off... highlights the woes of females and commoners in the old victorian era... family ties don't really count much unless you're a noble and it helps that you're someone's someones' nephew/niece/long lost cousin... other than that... i think the movie was great... i can't really say if it did justice for the book... (cause i didn't read it... yet...) but be assureed that i will soon get my hands on it...

watch it with a friend... and after that was talking about what books we read as children... apparently... i read quite a few classics... owned a few of them... but i didn't really read the famous children authors of my time... honestly... i only read afew of roald dahl... like boy and going solo... which my friend labled the boring books... the rest were watched as movies... other than that don't believe i own any of roald dahl's works...

went to the zoo on monday... yes i tend to blog about stuff that happens long ago... saw a few animals... haven't been to the zoo in like a gazillion years... okie... maybe only about 11... but that is still quite a long time ago... however... unfortunately... the animals that were shown seem to be the same as the ones i saw 11 years ago... i mean that the type of animals are the same but the animals is definately different... haha... i hope you are not lost... but the thing that i like most about the zoo is it's open concept... yup... you get to be up close and personnel with the animals... of course you can touch the animals if you want... but the signs all say that it is highly unadvisable... but if you could i bet you would... haha...

Friday, December 09, 2005

hitchhiker's guide... to earth...

well if you've read the previous entry then you will know that i have finished the book hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy... yea... welll it was short... but i guess i said this already...

well... in the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy there is a book that is the hitchhiker's guide to where else... the galaxy.. okie... it's more like a palm top than a book but i guess the ides's the same...

actually while reading... i realised that te concept is really similar to wikipedia... okie... it's not similar... it's actually the same... the thing is a helpful guide... written by anyone... and it just about covers everything that is possibly convievable... okie... maybe the hitchhiker's guide has an extra editor that reviews the infomation before it is actually being updated... but i guess for wikipedia... the readers who read the articles are the editors...

well i guess if there is a need to start inculding outer earthly stuff we will be quite well perpared...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

another tuesday... another driving test...

hmmm... one week ago today... i was sad... sad with capital letters...

something like this...

it was the second driving test... it was sad that i failed again... but at least i didn't get an immediate failure like the first time... but i kinda felt that the tester was out to get me... he said that i struck the curb... not once but TWICE... so sad... actually more like so SAD... ookie... just went to top up the account with money again so that i can go bo0ok more lessons and another test... so SAD...

at least school's ended... no more school... hmmm... life's kinda slow now... need to find stuff to do... maybe earn some $$$$$$$$... okie some $$$ not some $$$$$$$$...
been playing command and conquer generals again... almost finished... proves how much time i have...

finished the book hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy... it is short... abrupt even... and to think i wanted to read the book... actually went hunting for it... at 4 major libraries no less... fortunately i decide against the movie... actually i only picked up the book upon the hype of the various lecturers that keep picking points brought up by the book...

yesterday camp temasek ended... maybe i should have gone... considering how free i actually was... but then again i was held in an army camp... maybe they have facilities and all that but really hold a camp in an army camp??? the boys will be rudely schocked when they enter army for real... really need to find stuff to do... people do die of boredom... at least that's what the stupid book say...

anyways... have some other books to read... hope they aren't as disappointing... really... hype really causes much disappointment... and sadness... sadly i hyped up my test date...

Friday, December 02, 2005


ever wonder why singapore do not produce world class athletes??? i sure don’t…
is it even worth wondering about???
just look at it now… it’s the SEA games…but do we even get any SEA games highlights??? Only an hour a day??? that’s hardly enough… it's more like a joke... they should have more live stuff showing in the afternoon... instead they show crap shows... actually do people ACTUALLY watch afternnon shows??? does anyone actually know what is showing at 3pm in the afternoon???
malaysia’s tv 1 on the other hand shows non stop highlights throughout the entire day… at least before 7… the amount of air time they give shows how much support they give to their athletes… i actually watched some Singapore footage on it…
and to think i used to wonder why did malaysia have olympic class divers while singapore doesn't... been wondering about that since this year's olympics...
actually i thought i would have more to say about this… but apparently i think i’m too dismayed to say much else…
AND singapore should stop importing people... especially in the soccer department... they import and then blame them for their poor preformace... they are people too... two people cannot pull an entire team through to the semi-finals... if they spend more time staking out street soccer courts and void decks i'm sure there's more than enough talent in singapore...