Monday, August 31, 2009


Who decides what is art and what isn't?

Who decides how much each piece of "art" cost?

Today, I visited the art gallery at ION. And half the stuff seem like stuff any 5 year old could conjure up.

And each piece cost thousands of dollars.

I don't mind being the person who says how much each piece cost though.

Friday, August 28, 2009


I always wonder why so many popstars still want to preform in Mala*ysia even though the Mal*aysian government often curbs them. And more often then not, there are civil groups that rally against the promotion of unhealthy habits that the popstars may iconised.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Do I look like a terrorist? Can it be that going to NIE gives me a I'm-going-for-a-killing look. I was stopped at Clementi MRT station on Friday afternoon for a security check.

At least it might mean they do conduct random checks.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

lost childhood...

I was listening to a podcast by Jo*e August*ine and this other woman that I cannot remember. Anyway, I think I'm losing my childhood. On the podcast, they were re-enacting a knock knock joke.

Jo*e said, "knock knock."

Woman, "who's there?"

J*oe, "Rude, obnoxious old cow."

Then the woman didn't reply. Jo*e was obviously waiting for her to say the next line. But it just didn't come. Initially, I didn't think anything was wrong. In fact, not until Jo*e asked why she didn't continue did I realise that she was suppose to say the prescribed next line. If you don't know, it is supposed to be "Rude, obnoxious old cow who?" But at that point of time, I couldn't come up with the next line. I was thinking. Thinking hard.

Yea, either I'm losing my childhood, or I'm losing my memory.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Am I cynical? I think I might be.

I have stopped believing in the efforts of people of good intentions.

the first drop...

I dropped the iPod. It survived a 70 cm drop. It fell on the fifth day. haha. At least it survived.

Monday, August 10, 2009


It has been quite a long time since I've blogged about one of my weird dreams, so I guess it's about time.

In this dream, I dreamt I quit BB. I quit because I couldn't control the bunch of boys in a class. I don't particularly remember what the class was about. Don't remember any of the boys in the dream in particular either. If you ask if they were even BB boys, I can't say for sure.

Is this an omen?

I sure hope not.


Sunday, August 09, 2009


No parent should have to bury their child.

As a person in my prime, I cannot claim to ponder about death often. Honestly, it's probably the last thing on the minds of people my age. But recent events have triggered a momentary detour down life's journey into death avenue.

Life is frail. It is the same frailty that makes life valuable. I mean if everyone were tough as superman, life would be pretty meaningless. You could commit any number of reckless activities in a day without having to fret if it might be the last one you do. Then life itself would be pretty meaningless. There's no need to worry that it might be the last time you see your loved ones.

The destination of a trip is not as important as the people that take the journey with you. The place might take 2 hours to reach, and after reaching the place, you find that it's a huge disappointment. But if you go there with people whom you actually like, it doesn't really matter. The people make the trip enjoyable. The destination just gives everyone a good reason to meet and go. And being Singaporeans, the trip give us all an excuse to complain about a common topic.

It's the same with life. If your life is populated with people whom you enjoy spending time with, you could be the poorest person in the world and still find life fulfilling.

Even Superman only found life meaningful when Lois was around.