Tuesday, February 19, 2008

a title...

A title, a title, I need a title.

I think I've written an entry long ago regarding the title of a book, Harry Potter no less. I recall it as Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I started being unhappy with the title as it was unrepresentative of the book as a whole. I then went on to suggest some other titles that could prove better. At the end of the entry, I conceded that coming up with titles isn't as easy as it sounds.

Now, I'm really having that problem. I have an article that does not have a befitting title. And since Gra*cia doesn't know the existence of this blog, I think the title that she gave (which is still there) sucks. The titles that I have given were (in the words of Derr*ick) either too academic, non-representative or long.

I need a title that is at most 6 words long, representative of the article and preferably in a conversational tone. And even if I do come up with a title that fits these criteria, it might be changed along the way by the (overstatement) "army" of sub-editors.

A title, a title, where art thou title?


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