I think many people will think that being in the BB at 24 is weird. Plain weird. Even Christian friends that are quite "ministry-minded" had found this to be weird. I think a lot of the kids in the company might have thought once in a while why these people are still here, doing stuff like "entertaining" kids. I think if you don't find BB fun, you will never understand why some of us do some of the things that we do.
I was talking to someone who didn't turn up for enrollment today. He had something else on apparently. Also when I asked why he didn't turn up, after he told me his reason, he went on to say that he didn't see the point of enrollment. From one line you can tell that BB was just going to be a cca for him. But BB is not just a cca. If you asked the majority of people who have gone through uniformed groups, they will probably tell you that being in a uniformed group is like having like minded people coming together and growing up together.
Unfortunately, I must say that there are fewer and fewer of these people. It might be due to the fact that kids these days enjoy sitting in front of a screen more than spending time in the sun sweating it out. Being in a uniformed group is about making friends in sec1 who will be there when you are sec4 and they will be there when you get married, and hopefully they will be there when you are passing on.
If you don't find such people in the uniform group that you join, obviously you are never going to enjoy the time you spend there. But I really wonder how someone can not find one other like minded person in 150 other people. Even the people who hate BB and not turn up find each other and become close friends. So what did we learn? Joining a uniform group is a good choice. Making full use of the opportunities that a uniform group can give, that's not just important, that's really important.
So what does this have to do with enrollment and enrollment being important? People everywhere want to belong somewhere. Some people yearn for it so much that they are willing to do insane things to fit in. Enrollment makes you an official member. And we give it away like it's nothing. Even the People who never turn up for parades turn up today. So how can there be no point to enrollment when it is the very thing that uniformed groups are built upon, the authentication of belonging somewhere.
So why do I do what I still do after all these years? I want to make sure that some of these people find some of the friends that I found. So that when they are 65 and retired, hopefully, they got some friends that remember that in sec1, they were laughing about something.