Monday, March 31, 2008

the lady and the lift...

Can you enter the lift press the button for the 10th story and then not get off?

Apparently you can. This lady came into the lift and she pressed the button for the 10th story. Everyone else in the lift will get off at the 14th story. When the lift opened at the 10th story, everyone turned to look at her. She seemed seriously distracted. Since she didn't want to get off, one of my neighbours closed the door and we went up to the 14th story. At the 14th story, when the doors rolled opened, this lady proceeded to exit along with everybody else. I then thought that she might have pressed 10 thinking she pressed 14. After 10 steps, she had this "I'm awake!!!" look and obviously, she was on the wrong level.

At least she didn't blame anyone for not telling her that she had reached her level.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

wj and nat...

Apparently, WJ and Na*t sing stuff like this in class.

stop and stare
and take a look at my underwear
but you cant put it in the tupperwear
neither can you wear it
Thanks for the entertainment.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

self esteem...

I wonder if my self-esteem had taken a beating recently. If it had, I don't remember. But It seems my subconscious might be having a little downtime.

I had a dream last night. It went something like this. I was talking to De*rrick and he was telling me about the reaction of the Lifeline committee when they did a reflection on the last issue of the magazine. Apparently, the article that I wrote wasn't well received. Though I don't remember the dream going into why it was so.

I hope my self esteem didn't take a beating recently.


my way or the highway...

It seems that boys have been the reason for quite a few of the recent posts. Well, and I was thinking about leaving, what would this blog do without them? For one, it might be a little less angsty.

It's my way or the highway. Personally, I don't subscribe to this ultimatums. But apparently, it seems many of them have given comments that come close to this. Is it very hard to compromise on your egos? If it were concerning principles, I would never expect them to compromise but since it is just programmes, is it so hard to change? To accept that you cannot always get your way? To learn that they have to consider many, MANY other factors. If it were so easy to make decisions that would appease everyone, Singapore would be filled with Lee Kuan Yews. Officers have to make many decisions that might never seem rational at the level of a boy. But to question the choices we make after an explanation has been given is bordering on plain irritance.

Live and let live. If you expect life to conform to all the things that you want, you better be living on your own. The next person who comes even vaguely near to "my way or the highway" after an explanation better get ready for an explosion.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

what did you learn?

I think many people will think that being in the BB at 24 is weird. Plain weird. Even Christian friends that are quite "ministry-minded" had found this to be weird. I think a lot of the kids in the company might have thought once in a while why these people are still here, doing stuff like "entertaining" kids. I think if you don't find BB fun, you will never understand why some of us do some of the things that we do.

I was talking to someone who didn't turn up for enrollment today. He had something else on apparently. Also when I asked why he didn't turn up, after he told me his reason, he went on to say that he didn't see the point of enrollment. From one line you can tell that BB was just going to be a cca for him. But BB is not just a cca. If you asked the majority of people who have gone through uniformed groups, they will probably tell you that being in a uniformed group is like having like minded people coming together and growing up together.

Unfortunately, I must say that there are fewer and fewer of these people. It might be due to the fact that kids these days enjoy sitting in front of a screen more than spending time in the sun sweating it out. Being in a uniformed group is about making friends in sec1 who will be there when you are sec4 and they will be there when you get married, and hopefully they will be there when you are passing on.

If you don't find such people in the uniform group that you join, obviously you are never going to enjoy the time you spend there. But I really wonder how someone can not find one other like minded person in 150 other people. Even the people who hate BB and not turn up find each other and become close friends. So what did we learn? Joining a uniform group is a good choice. Making full use of the opportunities that a uniform group can give, that's not just important, that's really important.

So what does this have to do with enrollment and enrollment being important? People everywhere want to belong somewhere. Some people yearn for it so much that they are willing to do insane things to fit in. Enrollment makes you an official member. And we give it away like it's nothing. Even the People who never turn up for parades turn up today. So how can there be no point to enrollment when it is the very thing that uniformed groups are built upon, the authentication of belonging somewhere.

So why do I do what I still do after all these years? I want to make sure that some of these people find some of the friends that I found. So that when they are 65 and retired, hopefully, they got some friends that remember that in sec1, they were laughing about something.

Friday, March 21, 2008

good friday...

Yesterday actually went well. The sun decided to turn up for work. Though it was hiding behind clouds most of the time, especially at times that we needed it most.

Anyway, it's Good Friday weekend. It just means that I'll happen to be at church more often.

Wanted to blog about something. Too bad I can no longer remember it. Maybe later.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

another try another rainy day...

Guess what day is it?

It's "watch the sun move slowly across the sky" day.

Yay... can you feel the enthu-ness?

No, I personally cannot. And since it's this special day, what else can happen, except it will rain. And rain it did. So now, I'm once again walking around school with a damn piece of styrofoam.

And the rain feels like another "I'm (the sun) going back to Hawaii" sort of precipitation.

Another try another rainy day. no longer looking forward to the weekend. I hope they don't suggest anything too extreme.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

another dream...

Haha, forgot to write about my dream.

According to Guan*da, dreams happen when you got too much on your mind. Then the thoughts manifest themselves into dreams. I don't really believe this.

Anyway, the dream.

I dreamt that I had a new younger brother. Woah. Nothing much else happened. Wonder what all these means.


another camp...

Another school holiday, another camp. Not to send any alarm bells ringing, but this is getting too stale. I'm bored. I'm tired(Not the physical kind).

Well, at least the kids got a kick out of camp. 2 days and 1 night. It's getting shorter and shorter. But yeah, I think if it were any longer, I might not have survived. Went to school on 2 hours of sleep. I hope Gl*ibert Ye*o didn't notice that I was asleep a couple of times in his lecture. I thought the end of the lecture was rubbish anyways, pushing it too far too much. Distasteful.

Ended camp at 6, went out for dinner. I was surprisingly awake. Was totally running on lack of sleep. By the way, 10 hours in 2(Thursday and Friday) nights didn't break the "no sleep" record. I think the all time record stands at 30 hours of "no-sleep".

Well, more bad news. Another year of Found*ers' application brings another year of firefighting. This I'm very tired of. Very VEry VERy VERY tired of.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

i am legend....

I wasn't going to stay in school today from 12-6pm. I did enough studying yesterday. Needed a break. So I ended up in town with SQ, saw a good "His Dark Materials" package. $62. The cover's not too bad. The $96 is still enticing, heard it call my name. Haha.

Ended up near City Hall and took 111 back to Bouna Vista to get back to school. At the Park Mall stop, the bus driver came up and removed the number of the bus and the bus stopped picking up passengers. Obviously, it was strange. Never had this happened to me before. In typical Singaporean fashion, nobody bothered to ask the driver if anything had happened. I told SQ what if Mas Selamat had hijacked the bus. Of course, nothing dramatic happened. The bus just went along the route with people alighting and nobody boarding. I was however, the last person to alight from the bus. I think the people at the bus stop were like thinking: why this guy so special?

Therefore, I am Legend!!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

soulful eyes...

If you know Hugo, he is quite the fellow. He's easily excited. He sheds though, alot. And he likes to lean on you in an act of dominance. He'll step on you but he'll never let you step on him. He likes to rub his cold wet nose into your sides. That I must say is one of the worse things that Hugo does. He's awfully friendly, so he'll never let you play by yourself, though he never really shares his toys with you.

And one of the thing that he likes to do is to rest his head on you lap. It's kind of adorable at first then the saliva that seems never ending is just too eerie. However, it is at these times that you can see Hugo's best features. His deep soulful eyes. Hugo really has deep eyes that seem to be able to go on and on into into his soul. Looking into his eyes, I wondered what he thinks about, wondered if he thought about anything at all.

I should be studying, and yet, instead, I'm blogging about the Le*ong family's dog.

The sun didn't come out again. It's getting a tad cold. And I would like to repeat what I said in the previous entry about the sun being on holiday. Instead, I would like to say it using the ideas from Heaven*ly Math. It seems like we are experiencing extended periods of night.

Monday, March 03, 2008

sun chasers...


Where is the sun?

It might as well be on holidays in Hawaii.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

where is the sun?

Honestly, why call it Sunday when you cannot assure a certain minimal amount of good old sunshine? Drab. That's an adjective for today's weather. 2nd March 2008 will henceforth be known as Drabday.

As some of you know, people taking Heaven*ly Maths would have been sun-chasing the past couple of days. And since Friday, the amount of sunshine is dismal. That might be an understatement. Even if it did shine, it didn't last long enough to complete the experiment.

Fortunately, I do like the pitter patter of rain.

Another Sunday, another afternoon spent playing bridge. Must find a better way to spend Sunday afternoons. (This in no way imply that playing bridge was waste of time.)

Pau*l Ng*a was here to deliver a sermon. I guess in typical P*aul N*ga fashion, it seemed more entertaining than educational. The new (perhaps improved) catchphrase is: What would Jesus want me to do? But as with all of his sermons, the real questions would be: Are you convinced because you understood? And if you did understand, were you actually paying attention?