Monday, March 31, 2008

the lady and the lift...

Can you enter the lift press the button for the 10th story and then not get off?

Apparently you can. This lady came into the lift and she pressed the button for the 10th story. Everyone else in the lift will get off at the 14th story. When the lift opened at the 10th story, everyone turned to look at her. She seemed seriously distracted. Since she didn't want to get off, one of my neighbours closed the door and we went up to the 14th story. At the 14th story, when the doors rolled opened, this lady proceeded to exit along with everybody else. I then thought that she might have pressed 10 thinking she pressed 14. After 10 steps, she had this "I'm awake!!!" look and obviously, she was on the wrong level.

At least she didn't blame anyone for not telling her that she had reached her level.


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