Saturday, March 29, 2008

my way or the highway...

It seems that boys have been the reason for quite a few of the recent posts. Well, and I was thinking about leaving, what would this blog do without them? For one, it might be a little less angsty.

It's my way or the highway. Personally, I don't subscribe to this ultimatums. But apparently, it seems many of them have given comments that come close to this. Is it very hard to compromise on your egos? If it were concerning principles, I would never expect them to compromise but since it is just programmes, is it so hard to change? To accept that you cannot always get your way? To learn that they have to consider many, MANY other factors. If it were so easy to make decisions that would appease everyone, Singapore would be filled with Lee Kuan Yews. Officers have to make many decisions that might never seem rational at the level of a boy. But to question the choices we make after an explanation has been given is bordering on plain irritance.

Live and let live. If you expect life to conform to all the things that you want, you better be living on your own. The next person who comes even vaguely near to "my way or the highway" after an explanation better get ready for an explosion.


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