Monday, October 29, 2007

taxi driver...

If someone comes up to tell me that taxi divers are not nice people within this week, I have a story to tell. This morning, I met a nice taxi driver. I took 74 to Dover to take 33. Unfortunately, the bus was taking a too long a time to come and I decided to take a taxi to school. Thinking that $5 is enough to reach school, I was more than shocked that the peak hour surcharge is $2. Haha, from the bus stop, 17079. I really don't know how else to describe the location of the bus stop. It's the United World College bus stop in the direction towards Clementi Road.

Okie, the taxi driver got me into a conversation after that and I let slip that I had only $5.70. And the taxi driver was like, "It's okie, you only need to pay me $5." I was like er... maybe I can pay by NETS. The taxi driver, "No... I don't know how to work the NETS machine." Haha. Okie, he was like forcing me to only pay $5.

So the final price of a trip from the bus stop to the Kent Ridge Terminal was $5.50. But I only paid $5. What a nice taxi driver.

On another note, now I cannot judge De*rrick for taking taxis to school anymore.

Friday, October 26, 2007

a fond farewell...

Today, we officially bid farewell to TV Links.

We will remember the free movies, documentaries, cartoons, anime that the site has so generously shared with us over the past year or so. It is always sad when a valued member of our community is taken off the list of links but everything has a time and place.

We will always remember TV Links. For all the illicit goodness.

TV Links (removed October 2007)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

last lab...

Haha, just finished the last lab. (declarative)

I didn't know that I was so adversely affected by looking through microscope. (declarative)

Having a slight headache now. (declarative)

Was in the library today looking at some books. Many of the computers were not working very well. I wonder why. Some of the computers keep restarting. 2 cannot be switched on. And there were 2 which were on a screen which I have no idea what it's for.

When will the headache go away? (interrogative)

Sleep. (imperative) I think sleep will help.

Friday, October 19, 2007

passing the buck...

I have just sent the DeadOrAlive paper back to alic*ia. Spent quite some time writing today. I hope it's fine. I realised I didn't read through it before I sent it back to her. Anyway, when i said I spent quite some time on it. I meant that I brought a laptop to school and did the paper through both lectures I had today. Sorry to Gen*eral Bio and Nano*world. (They sound like my superhero friends.)

Anyway, that's not the reason for the title of the entry. I'm really not that evil.

I'm passing the buck from another blog. My friend saw a monk plugged into a pair of earphones on a bus today. And here is the question: What was he listening to?

Honestly... does it matter what he was listening to? It might be chants, it might be the radio, it might even be classical music. But it would be interesting to find out.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


if you know what el321*6 means... it's an overweight module taking up too much time...

well... that's what it was till afew minutes ago... i'm cheating with the CDA analysis by using the wordsmith, wmatirx and claws thingys i've learnt from el3*216... hahahaha... thanks to v*incen*t o*o*i... making sure no one stumbles upon this entry by googling his name...

Friday, October 12, 2007

round 2...


Apparently, I won round 2. Okie, I didn't win. God won.

Although I must admit that I have an unlikely ally, my older brother.

Finally, I am getting baptised.

Come on, celebrate with me.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


My parents always say that I can do whatever I want. But whenever it comes to a decision that would be a life defining moment. They would go,"Wait till you're older." or,"You sure?" or the perennial favourite,"No. Cannot, I've eaten more salt than you, trust me when I say no."

It's not like I'm joining a hellblazing biker gang.

My parents always say I can do whatever I want. What a load of bull.

This is like an ad, they give you choices. THEY make THEMselves sound great. But the choices THEY give to you are just that. Choices THEY give to you. Talk about limited agency.

I feel like joining a hellblazing biker gang. I'm sure they'll let me do whatever I want. Still I don't think they let me get baptised. Stupid people.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I realised that more people read the blog more regularly then I think people do. Or maybe, it was just a great big coincidence that people have asked what's wrong within hours of previous entry.

So, here is the decision I had to make. Whether to get baptised. Generally a tough enough question. Considering it's a commitment type question. However, I don't really have a commitment problem with that. I have a parental problem.

Actually I have a Mum problem. My mum's stand is that I should wait till I'm older. How much older? She couldn't say. One of her arguments was that I might not end up being married to a Christian. Exact words: What if you find a really compatible girl and she's not Christian? Are you just going to give her up? (In mandarin) I laughed after that. When things like that happens, I cannot help but laugh. How can I not laugh when It's something that I've actually done?

I cannot actually believe that my mum thinks this is a passing phase that I MIGHT grow out of. Though I cannot say for certain that things may never change. But this I hope is one thing that I would try my best not to change.

Honestly, I don't feel very well recently. I don't know if this is the main reason. But I just don't feel very well. Words have stopped flowing. I feel like I've lost something.

Monday, October 08, 2007


There are times in life when decisions have to be made. And when it's a taboo topic, it makes the decision all that much harder. Need to find courage and the right opportunity to talk with my mum. Dread.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

the last day...

What are we going to do after we graduate? This is one thing that people keep talking about. And it's the one major concern of everyone who finds out that I am an English Major.

So after reading a couple of blogs of kids and their last day of secondary school life, I must say I dread the day that I have to leave another educational institution and (finally, not in the good way...) start working.

Now is a chance for me to reminisce. I honestly don't remember the last day of secondary school. I don't remember doing anything really special. By the way, there was no such thing as study break before "O" levels. The only break was a week before the exams started. Though I do remember trying to fight for a longer break. Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if I spent that day playing Risk with the rest of the BB people and not studying.

For JC, I can remember. One big reason is because I have a whole CD of photos to remind us of what we did. We went around the WHOLE school taking photos of every room we can get into. Toilets included. Will need a camera in about 8 months time?