Saturday, October 06, 2007

the last day...

What are we going to do after we graduate? This is one thing that people keep talking about. And it's the one major concern of everyone who finds out that I am an English Major.

So after reading a couple of blogs of kids and their last day of secondary school life, I must say I dread the day that I have to leave another educational institution and (finally, not in the good way...) start working.

Now is a chance for me to reminisce. I honestly don't remember the last day of secondary school. I don't remember doing anything really special. By the way, there was no such thing as study break before "O" levels. The only break was a week before the exams started. Though I do remember trying to fight for a longer break. Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if I spent that day playing Risk with the rest of the BB people and not studying.

For JC, I can remember. One big reason is because I have a whole CD of photos to remind us of what we did. We went around the WHOLE school taking photos of every room we can get into. Toilets included. Will need a camera in about 8 months time?


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