Wednesday, October 10, 2007


My parents always say that I can do whatever I want. But whenever it comes to a decision that would be a life defining moment. They would go,"Wait till you're older." or,"You sure?" or the perennial favourite,"No. Cannot, I've eaten more salt than you, trust me when I say no."

It's not like I'm joining a hellblazing biker gang.

My parents always say I can do whatever I want. What a load of bull.

This is like an ad, they give you choices. THEY make THEMselves sound great. But the choices THEY give to you are just that. Choices THEY give to you. Talk about limited agency.

I feel like joining a hellblazing biker gang. I'm sure they'll let me do whatever I want. Still I don't think they let me get baptised. Stupid people.


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