Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I realised that more people read the blog more regularly then I think people do. Or maybe, it was just a great big coincidence that people have asked what's wrong within hours of previous entry.

So, here is the decision I had to make. Whether to get baptised. Generally a tough enough question. Considering it's a commitment type question. However, I don't really have a commitment problem with that. I have a parental problem.

Actually I have a Mum problem. My mum's stand is that I should wait till I'm older. How much older? She couldn't say. One of her arguments was that I might not end up being married to a Christian. Exact words: What if you find a really compatible girl and she's not Christian? Are you just going to give her up? (In mandarin) I laughed after that. When things like that happens, I cannot help but laugh. How can I not laugh when It's something that I've actually done?

I cannot actually believe that my mum thinks this is a passing phase that I MIGHT grow out of. Though I cannot say for certain that things may never change. But this I hope is one thing that I would try my best not to change.

Honestly, I don't feel very well recently. I don't know if this is the main reason. But I just don't feel very well. Words have stopped flowing. I feel like I've lost something.


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