Are you aware that the Aware saga is over? If you haven't, honestly, WHERE have you been? I probably need to go there. Exams hasn't ended
In a total dramatic turn of events, after a month, the old
exco has managed to reclaim what they have lost. This sounds so much better than: the new
exco has been usurped. Too much drama.
Well, at least it turned out to be a good thing. Aware probably got more publicity from this than they could ever hope for. And membership rose by 1000%.
First of all, Aware is a secular group. They can believe that batting for the other team is a perfectly fine lifestyle choice. It's not as if Aware has any allegiance to any one religion which overtly states that this is wrong/forbidden/condemnable. They are free to raise/support/perpetuate any view they decide would best help themselves. Any one group that feels otherwise that decides to infiltrate and oust the current leadership in hope of change should know that this is not acceptable behavior. Over the past month, it was been clearly demonstrated.
Perhaps this may be a clearer example. Perhaps one day, a random person feels that The Boys' Brigade, a Christian organisation, has lost it's foremost aim of benefiting Boys with it's activities. This person gathers support and comes in, and oust the current leadership and claims the organisation. This random person happens not to be a Christian and uses his own religion's teachings to set up the new constitution.
Is this fine? If you accepted what the recently oust
exco's stand that the old Aware had lost its focus and they are the new direction that the organisation needs, then you should think what I just described to be perfectly fine. But I bet that most people would disagree, that what I've just described is totally unacceptable.
Just as we (Christians) don't expect people of other religions to hijack a Christian organisation, we shouldn't orchestrate a hostile takeover of a secular organisation. All because of differing beliefs. I often wonder what the reaction of well meaning Christians should be. But too often, I'm sad to say that good intentions are only truly good if the means to achieve have been thoughtfully considered and carried out.
Again, take the Aware saga, $90k in a month. Good intentions without any seemingly rational thought.