Friday, May 15, 2009


It's not often that I'm unable to sleep. In fact, I cannot really remember when this has actually happened. So this explains the entry at 1ish in the morning.

I wonder if I'm unable to sleep because thoughts keep running through my head. I recall a recent peanuts strip that has Charl*ie Brown telling his sister who cannot sleep that what he does is to just lie there and worry. Sally goes back lie down but instead of worrying of stuff happening to herself, she worries about things that might happen to Charl*ie. She comes back, tells Charl*ie all her worries and this causes Charl*ie to be unable to sleep.

I wonder if I'm unable to sleep because I have thoughts running through my head or I run thoughts through my head because I'm unable to sleep. I've been lying there for about an hour. There are other things to do I guess.


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