Saturday, May 02, 2009


Celebrating my birthday has never been an important part of my life. It's probably due to the fact that my own family's not really big on celebrating. A meal will probably be the most we'll do, typical conservative Chinese family I guess.

Well, thanks to Fa*cebook, it seems alot more people know about the birthday this year. I want to believe that without Faceb*ook, many of you would still remember. So thanks to the many many people who said happy birthday. And it's still happening occasionally today. Don't need to apologize, I appreciate it anyway.

I got a present form SQ, and as promised, I'm blogging about it. Well, first of all, SQ doesn't give presents to anyone, only really special people and girls. Since I'm not a girl, I know I'm a really special person. Here is a picture of the present.

It's a V for Vendetta comic. Yea, the comic that the movie was based on. I loved the movie by the way. Yes, after reading the book, I'll probably think the book is way better. I don't really read comics. And technically, this is a graphic novel. But I'm quite excited, I mean, graphic novels touch on many things that are considered taboo. Look at Watchmen.

So thanks to all those who said happy birthday and for those who gave presents. Gratitude is immortalized on this blog.


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