Thursday, May 31, 2007


Today, we met in the morning for soccer. Haven't played in a long time, and it was a much needed change. Had fun. Got hit in the chest. But at least still better than Mar*shall. He got a chipped tooth. Not handsome liao. Actually, it wasn't obvious at all, cannot see much difference. He also lost one contact lens. Haha. Half blind with chipped tooth. Bad day. I think it was karma for kicking the ball into someone's face. Not me.

Went for bs after that. Step*hen was totally awake today. SQ should set up a childcare centre. It was nice to have bs in the daytime again.

Went to play lan after. Deemed as the saddest and darkest lan experience ever. Sian. Lost like crazy. If that was even possible.

Had Mac's for dinner. Shaker fries. I think it's one of the greatest Mac's invention of all time. Shaker fries. If there was a list of the Top Ten food inventions it would be at least third. Maybe I should come up with a list.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

stuff to do...


Got to talk to Sharon today. Yea same Sharon. Talked more about me than about her though. It was good to talk after so long.

The tag board will probably be quiet for a week. The kids have all gone overseas for service learning.

There is bs on Thursday. There will be soccer and other things happening on that day as well. Church camp starts on Thursday as well, not going though.

Saturday is the day that I'll be going for The Founders' Men Presentation Ceremony. Really, going alone. All alone. The kids will not be there. The rest are at Church camp. And the rest are working. Blech.

There are stuff that I have to do. Don't remember now. Hmmm.

By the way, if for any reason, you feel a last minute urge to go for Church camp and you don't have a spot. I can help you. You need not even attend Aldersgate. Contact me if you want to go.

The church's youth ministry is also having a Xbox tournament. I'm not sure when, but details will be up soon. All kids are invited.

And lastly, I send my condolences to Jun Hao and Jun Ming for the passing of their Grandmother.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Part of today's sermon was about how we always expect God to say yes. And we are nervous when we think things aren't going to turn out fine. Btw, when things don't turn out fine, that's kinda the point when God says no.

Results came out. I know the results suck. But the problem lies here. I got one C+, one B- and two Bs. Not fantastic results. After all that, the cap still went up. By a mere 0.01. It is the least possible increament that is possible. So now the C.A.P. stands at 3.11. I think i'm destined to graduate with a crappy score around 3.1.

I have to be happy that my C.A.P. rose. Even i it is by a mere 0.01. But I can't.

Athletics' Day happened on Saturday. 19 people signed up. 11 turned up. 2 passed. Is there a downside to this? Honestly, I was reliefed that only 19 people turned up. The portfolio just wasn't ready to handle such an event. But I must admit they learnt much form this. At least I hoped so.

Saw the ultra adorable Lydia Wee on Saturday as well. Tat Ch*uen as usual made everyone carry her and took a photo. Went to play lan with the rest after. Had a ton of fun. Need to brush up on my Starcraft skills. But I guess that's abit too random. Had dinner. Talked to SQ. It was a good Saturday actually. The only bad part was the resutls I guess.

I think the thing that I really need to learn is the accept the downsides that I have in life. I must admit that life is really not easier as you get older. For all the kids who think that just because you get to make your own decisions as you get older. It really jsut makes life all that more tougher to get through.

Friday, May 25, 2007


I almost forgot... but let's welcome Lydia Wee into the world...

*claps hands...

2nd child of tatchuen and joyce...

will see her on sat... after athletics' day...

dreading athletics' day... haha... too late to do anything else except worry...


I have finally gotten the tickets. YAY!!!

After all that trouble, I had more trouble. Counted one less. So the last ticket is bought online. So everything is okie. Double YAY!!!

If anyone tells me tomolo that they cannot make the movie, I actually might kill someone. You might be thinking, "so drama." But this has been quite tramatising becasue it's so last minute.

So... Finally... tickets...

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Tommorow, we will be watching Pirates. Unfortunately, it seems that we are having some problems.

So many things happened, that it seems to all point to the fact that we should not be watching.

3 of the original bunch pulled out. Maybe not being able to get the tickets earlier was a blessing in disguise.

Getting the tickets itself has proven to be a big headache. Will be trying agian later tonight.

Even the Magic8ball has given some bad replies. Hazy replies. Will watch no matter what.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


had badminton this morning...

what is badminton you might ask... if you are lame enough for this... read on... if not... skip this paragraph... it's a minimum ton that has gone bad... a ton of what, you might continue to ask... it's a ton of lyrics that wenji*e and frens have introduced to me... a song about the sun... the song might have been educational if not for the fact that the kids play it on loop and it just kinda makes you retarded... listening to it once has already compelled me to write lame-ness like this... so you would understand the effects that it has on people like wen*jie...

well, it seems that God heard the complaint i put up in the last entry... about how i didn't seem to have any dreams or the fact that i dun remember any of them recently... guess what? i remembered last night's dream... of course dreams are usually so out in space that most people would think that it's impossible to happen... of course that's how most people differentiate dreams from real life... of course this refers to most people... most people do not include we*njie... he is not normal... neither is this a w*enjie bashing entry... infact i'm really glad that he is helping me ask who is interested in watching pirates on friday... so thanks, wenji*e...

if you had noticed... i have started to type people's names... actually just w*enjie's name... with asterisks... it's to *ahem protect the privacy of the people i blog about... since this is someone's else's idea, it's only right to attribute the idea to the person... so... we have... derr*ick!!! but it's quite a pain to do this... quite mah fan... so in the end... everyone might become nameless again... but where's the fun in that?!?!?!

Monday, May 21, 2007


random-ness... don't have anything to do right now... waiting for tissue paper to harden... colours didnt turn out as planned... quite dissappointed...

Gonna watch pirates on friday... had intended to watch with mainly the bb ppl... but some other came to ask because i advertised on my nick... (so chris... you are not alone...)

when you have nothing to do... that's when you have lots of time to dream and think about stuff... i hope i dun go too emo... welll... i think the problem is i think too much... especially abotu how ppl will react to my actions... hiaz... well... sometimes thinking too much is really bad... it kinda screws up reality... because everything plays out in your mind and you get restricted by them...

haven't been blogging about dreams lately... that's cause i haven't been dreaming lately... or maybe i just don't remember... one of them is true... i can't say which...

playing badminton tomolo... thinking whether to go for 33j's parade... hmmmm... need to think harder... cause now the answer is yes...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

friday and saturday...

Honestly, I think the holidays are great. Throughly enjoying everyday.

Well, Friday night was spent at Chong Kai's place as we surprised Walter with a (what else?) surprise birthday party. Had a load of laughs with SQ picking on everyone and everthing. Reminded me of how parade was long ago with the impromptu rubbish that we use to do. We, okie, more like they (dun want to name names...) threw Walter into the pool. Then they threw Kelwin into the pool. Kelwin didn't really land in the pool. His throwers apparently don't have much experience throwing people into pools. Walter must be glad that his throwers were nice enough to actually throw him far enough into the water and not the little bit of poolside covered by less than 1 cm of water.

After that, went to have supper with derrick, eric and ziyi. Ordered this thing called "hot coke with ginger". Yup, worst choice in the history of bad choices. It's suppose to be a "chef's recommendation". Lousy recommendation. In the end i added ice to it. Kinds of defeated the purpose of ordering it. The waitress had this look on her face when i told her i wanted ice for it. The other thing is that all the prices on the menu ends with 88cents. I think they trying to act cute with the lucky numbers.

Okie, we've finally reached saturday. Was supposed to go skip like 5000 times in the morning. but... kinda woke up at ten. Haha. So went to Jurong West Stadium for badminton. It was suppose to be empty. But it's not. It was full. Full of disgusting China Nationals. Okie, sounds bad. There was this group of PRCs who didn't seem to have booked any courts. They just roamed around and played on the empty courts. When people came they just moved to another court. Not very nice behavior. Want to play book the court lah!!!

After all that, went home changed and went out again for the 33rdJ's anniversary dinner. Recently, derrick has been using me to take taxi rides. He would eventually pay whatever he owes me lah, but it's kinda pissing me off. Today, right before we got into the taxi, derrick asked me if I had cash for the fare. Wah, if i don't have how?

Dinner was good. They served like a huge amount of sweet and sour fish. Derrick was disturbed by the chicken's head. Ben was dressed like the waitresses. Marshall totally "flew aeroplane". The rest i got nothing to say. If you have something you want to say, you can tag. Kenny offered to take a photograph when lay kuan's camera conveniently ran out of battery. Commited suicide when he tried to blackmail me with the photo. Commited suicide again when he claims that he was not afraid of weida. And once more when he showed the picture to jun hao.

Ended up in dover coffee shop watching the FA cup fianls. It was an interesting experience, never watched at a coffeeshop before.

Throughly enjoying everyday.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Yesterday, we went to ubin. For a cycling trip. Ran into the kids who were there on OBS. Saw George as well.

It was fun, ubin doesn't change much. Everything remains pretty much the same. From the bike auntie to the roads that we took. Managed to see the Ubin Hornbill yesterday. It sounds like a monkey.

Stuff I found out yesterday.

Hannah is easily freaked by dogs.

Serene is quite an adrenalin junkie.

Alicia sleeps on public transport. Cannot think of anything else...

There is a thing that Jin Han has with Hokkien Mee.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

farmer joke...

If farmer A sells lettuce.

And farmer B sells tomatos.

What does farmer C sell?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Today was a good day. Went to play badminton in the morning, then went with the primary school kids for mountain biking at the MOE dairy farm. After reaching back to school, we had a soccer game. It was a great day.

I found out something about myself today. And that is that fortunate as I am to have relatively darker skin, I am not immuned to sunburns as I had brought myself to believe. A whole week after Sentosa. I was found to be peeling. Sure it might only have been a little patch of skin, still, sunburn is bad. Now it looks fine. No more peeling skin.

I have a blister. I hope it gets well by Thursday. Going Ubin!!! Hope it doesn't rain either...

Monday, May 14, 2007

deal or no deal...

Have you watched the new show Deal or No Deal? It is actually not bad. Of course the idea was copied off somewhere. But this gameshow is actually quite good. The reason that it is good is because the prize money is actually substantial. Today aired the second episode and on both the first and second episode, the contestants went home with more than $10000. Yes, that's in Singapore Dollars.

If you remember the Singapore version of Wheel of Fortune, the prize money was reduced accordingly. I believe it was an issue of sponsors. Sure this does not compare to Who wants to be a Millionaire. But this show also doesn't need you to know anything other than the first 26 numbers. Tonight's contestant could have gone home with $50000 if she kept her nerve. She settled for $11500.

Hmmm, it is quite a good deal.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

another weekend...

It's only the second week of the holidays and I'm kinda bored.

But I'm looking forward to this week. On Tuesday, there's badminton in the morning and I'll be going mountian biking with the primary school kids too. After badminton.

Thursday, I'll be going to Ubin, biking also. Haha, another attemp at an English outing.

Saturday of course is the anniversary of the 33rdJ. Dinner at Chinese restaurant. Good time for fellowship.

Lastly, if all goes well, I should be employed by next week.

Friday, May 11, 2007

life lessons...

I don't know where the previous post went... but anyways... since i had so much time... this is the life lesson that I've come up with...

Everyone says that saying sorry is the hardest, they've even come up with a song. But saying sorry isn't the hardest... saying you forgive someone is actually alot harder...

And no... it's not because i was thinking about forgiving anyone...


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

test test...

Since the picture was so nice... I thought I'd post it again... and because this is a test to see if blogger works...

Monday, May 07, 2007


Yay!!! ManU won the premiership. But who cares??? I know I don't really care. It's just better than Chelsea winning the premiership.

The more important thing is that Sunderland won the Championships, that's technically division 2. And they did it by making the best buy of the entire season, signing Roy Keane. Not as a old player but as manager. Roy Keane could bust your behind anyday as one of the greatest midfield generals of... all time? But now, he's proving to be just a tactically sound mastermind on the sidelines. From being the last in the league, to winning the league, yay!!!

Now, I'm hoping that Jose keeps his job. I cannot imagine the kind of exchanges that could happen between these two. Sunderland, ManU matches would be great too. The wily old master against the man whom he used to mentor.

If you haven't noticed, I'm a Sunderland man. I really hope Roy Keane's able to stop this yo-yo-ing up and down the 2 divisions.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

another post...

haha... this is the place for everything... shows... cartoons... movies... have i mentioned everything?

Thanks to frizal.

It's on the links... easy access

it was a good day...

It was a good day. It was a great day actually. Wasn't really looking forward to being at church at 7.30am. It was after all the first Saturday after the exams have finished. But I must admit that being there at family day was truely fun. I had a great time helping to build sandcastles. Yea, deprived childhood...

After that, we stayed behind to play. Volleyball and frisbee. It was fun.

After that, managed to get home and bathe before the bbq at guanda's place. Catching up was fun. It was nice to see everyone after such a long period. Some people didn't turn up, such a disappointment. So "flied aeroplane"/"stood up". Haha.

Friday, May 04, 2007

bored out of my mind...

It's the end of the first day of my 3month break. I've packed up the stuff from this sem and I'm ultra bored. Bored out of my freakin' mind. First day and I'm bored out of my mind already.

Need to find a job, so since half the world reads my blog, if anyone has a job opening somewhere. PLEASE be nice and intro me to it.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

sad day...

Well, even though it is the last day of exams and there's still an English pinic to look forward to. I must admit it is a sad day. A sad dark day.

Pandora, the online radio, has decided not to broadcast outside US due to the tricky issues of copyrights. No more radio.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

study... movie... study...

Okie, watched Spiderman 3. That's right. Opening day!!!


I will first declare that there will be no spoilers. All of the things that I'm going to say have been printed in reviews and the spidey ads. At least I'm hoping very hard that they are. The movie was long. It felt long. But at least it was an exciting 150 minutes. By the way there is also nothing at the end of the credits. We were hoping there was but there wasn't. The credits wasn't too long, but that might be due to the fact the the movie. (being super long... but I'm not really complaining)

Well, I think that Spiderman movies are all really good. They tell you lots about life. And they do it in a way that if you don't go think about it, you'll probably not realize it.

Going on to the lesson of this movie, which I think was worth the time I "should" have been studying. The life lesson: Learn to forgive. And you should start with the hardest person to forgive, yourself. For the kids (who like to be known as something else...) and those people who think they haven't done anything too bad that they to forgive themselves, PLEASE... remember when you are older. So to help all of you out there get started. Go out this week and forgive someone. This is definately a valuable lesson.

The other lesson: There is no such thing as having no choice. You will always have a choice. I can just imagine telling this to some kid who comes to tell me that they did it because they had no other choice. In the words of Spiderman, "You always have a choice."

It was a good day. Having lunch with the JS people. Watching a movie with old friends. And then having dinner with my parents. It was a good birthday.