I read a poem about love today from one of the Lit teachers. In the poem, it compared love to an onion. While I had initially thought that an onion was a weird analogy, now that time has passed and thought has been put into motion, I'm going to suggest how love can be like an onion.
Firstly, love is like an onion because onions are layered. Like knowing a person, there are layers on the outside that protect the layers on the insides. Also like the layers of an onion, the outside layer may be dirty but inside, it is clean, protected.
Secondly, an onion is like love because it adds spice to life. As any cook can tell you, onions add flavour to a dish as any love relationship can add flavour to life.
Thirdly, both the onion and love contain life. A well taken care of onion and relationship will sprout into life.
Lastly, onions are like love as they make you cry. Like any relationship, it can make you cry, if you cannot shed tears over your relationship, then is there anything worth treasuring in the first place?
So these are the reasons why love is like onions.