Thursday, July 30, 2009

spot it?

Can you see what the problems are with the 2 pictures below?

First Picture: I think the restaurant takes it's food so seriously, that only the Kai-Lan that can provide no more benefits to the company is cooked.

Second Picture: This restaurant is very transparent. It is so transparent that the saucer they use actually states that it is made of melamine.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


There seems to be something wrong with blogger... the formatting, the buttons...

testing my patience...


Sunday, July 19, 2009


I am not the emo one. But something that B*en said when he was emo-ing that stuck me as particularly interesting. I mean these are the things that philosophers spend their lives wondering about, not the thoughts that mere mortals such as us ponder about.

Be*n asked why we always think that love smells like roses, or anything else that smells good. Why can't love smell like farts?

Most of the time, it would just be dismissed as another emo moment, but then again, it was too interesting, emo-tionally. Why do we all accept that love smells good? I mean it's probably because it's associated with something good, hence, nice smell. But what if a person associates goodness with smelliness? Would this person then describe his love smelling like farts?

I realised that there have been a couple of post recently about love and smelling bad. haha

Friday, July 17, 2009


ESE is ending. The third week just ended. It has really been quite a good experience. Marking like nobody's business right now. Haha. All our CTs show us love in different ways, mine showers me with presents to mark.

I aspire to be like my CT, I think she is way cool, and way funny. haha.

One more week to go. I will miss NT.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

coasting on my talents...

I think I'm coasting on my talents. That's something that I've learnt doing the new book in bible study. The book's called "a resilient life". So what the book's saying is that we shouldn't shortchange ourselves by just doing the things that we find come to us so naturally.

Today, I had bible study with the year one primers. Nothing wrong with that. I prepared as much as I could for it. Nothing wrong with that either. But I realised that I hadn't really put much thought into how the points can apply to their life as a primer or questions that help them probe their own lives. But then again, I don't think I'm very good that coming up with questions such as these. Especially, when I don't actually deliver the thing I've prepared.

So, at bible study today, I fielded questions that I thought up while delivering bible study. AND yes, I made it look natural, prepared. BUT, I think I might be shortchanging the primers. If I had put in more thought, perhaps better questions might have been asked. The point that related to being a better primer was thought up beforehand though.

Yes. I think i should put more thought into the questions that I ask in bible study.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

seoul garden...

Why is Seoul Garden called Seoul Garden? Have you ever wondered about that? I have been wondering since I had some Seoul Garden on Monday.

Firstly, why Seoul Garden? Is it really from Seoul? I think it is, they have a lot of barbecued stuff over there. Every time I watch something about South Korea food, they seem to be barbecuing. Every time.

But what’s with the garden? Hardly anyone goes there to eat something found in a garden. I’m referring to vegetables, not worms. Most people go to eat meat, lots of meat. I’m not saying that there is nothing else to eat, but really when you go to Seoul Garden, you eat meat. So maybe the name should have been Seoul Meat Farm. The name should reflect the kind of stuff they sell.

Then maybe since it was started by real South Koreans (like there are fake South Koreans), and they might have just learnt English and not have been great at it. So while they might have tried to indicate a connection to their home land, they might have tried to imply that the meat is so so good that it’s actually SOUL food. And Soul Garden seems to make more sense than Seoul Garden. A garden for the soul is so much better than a garden the size of Seoul. Imagine the number of gardeners you will have to employ.

So in the end, Seoul Garden might just as well be known as Soul Meat Farm. The place you go to enjoy lovely meat that would enrich your soul rather than enrich the pockets of Seoul.


Done graduating. Need I say more?

Now waiting for the hurricane of photographs to hit facebook.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

onion of love...

I read a poem about love today from one of the Lit teachers. In the poem, it compared love to an onion. While I had initially thought that an onion was a weird analogy, now that time has passed and thought has been put into motion, I'm going to suggest how love can be like an onion.

Firstly, love is like an onion because onions are layered. Like knowing a person, there are layers on the outside that protect the layers on the insides. Also like the layers of an onion, the outside layer may be dirty but inside, it is clean, protected.

Secondly, an onion is like love because it adds spice to life. As any cook can tell you, onions add flavour to a dish as any love relationship can add flavour to life.

Thirdly, both the onion and love contain life. A well taken care of onion and relationship will sprout into life.

Lastly, onions are like love as they make you cry. Like any relationship, it can make you cry, if you cannot shed tears over your relationship, then is there anything worth treasuring in the first place?

So these are the reasons why love is like onions.

Monday, July 06, 2009

youth day...

So after six years of sulking because I'm not enjoying Youth Day at home, I'm finally not working on Youth Day today. Rocks to be a teacher I tell you. So since I didn't have to go work today, not that I really consider going to school working, I went to play badminton. Then went for Seoul Garden, and spent the rest of the day smelling like barbecued meat. I think I can still vaguely smell it... somehow...

Anyway, for reasons unknown, the blog seem to have been regulated to a sort of diary. I wonder where the more interesting stuff have gone.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

sign of age...

One of the signs of age is that I can no longer eat as much as I like and not feel bloated to the point of death.


Maybe it's a good thing.