what are you?
There are 3 kinds of people in this world: conservatives, liberals and radicals.
Which are you?
Conservatives are people who don't see a need to change the current way that the world is working. They like it the way it is. If anything, conservatives will fight for the status quo to remain the same.
Liberals are people who believe that the current state of the world is unfair. A small group of people are making too many of the important decisions and not enough people are benefiting from these decisions. Liberals will fight for the equality of people, all people.
Radicals too believe that the current state of the world is unfair. However, unlike liberals they don't think that an equal plateau can ever be reached. Instead, they believe that the current people in power had their day in the sun and it's time for the oppressed to rule. Radicals lobby for the other extreme view.
Is any one camp better than any other camp? Obviously there isn't a good enough answer.
Unless you have no opinions (AT ALL), you will have to be in one camp.
So which are you?
Which are you?
Conservatives are people who don't see a need to change the current way that the world is working. They like it the way it is. If anything, conservatives will fight for the status quo to remain the same.
Liberals are people who believe that the current state of the world is unfair. A small group of people are making too many of the important decisions and not enough people are benefiting from these decisions. Liberals will fight for the equality of people, all people.
Radicals too believe that the current state of the world is unfair. However, unlike liberals they don't think that an equal plateau can ever be reached. Instead, they believe that the current people in power had their day in the sun and it's time for the oppressed to rule. Radicals lobby for the other extreme view.
Is any one camp better than any other camp? Obviously there isn't a good enough answer.
Unless you have no opinions (AT ALL), you will have to be in one camp.
So which are you?