Went to send someone off to Perth this morning. Yup, airport at 7ish, still too early to be awake on a Saturday if you ask me. But for a friend, I guess it's possible. (I hope you're reading this)
Anyways, that's not the point. Leaving the house at six thirty in the morning, I saw this bunch of old men trying to load 4 sets of golf clubs into their small Volvo. It seemed impossible. They were having problems loading the 1st set into the trunk. But neither is this the point of this entry. So please read on.
As I was waking past the car, one of the men said, "Wah, my kids all fighting for the car."
And that's the point of this entry, I finally realised why my parents refuse to invest in a car.
Parent rationale 1:
If there is no car, you don't need to pay for road tax and petrol.
Parent rationale 2:
If there is no car, it is inconvenient to travel around with young children. I am therefore accounting my deprived childhood totally to this reason.
Parent rationale 3:
If there is no car, when your kids learn to drive, they wouldn't be begging you for the car and fighting between parent and children will be minimised. I am accounting my vast knowledge of bus routes to this.
Rationale 1 is the one that my mom uses all the time. But I think 2 and 3 are the real reason. I should buy Toto during Chinese New Year and win 10 million dollars.