Wednesday, February 14, 2007

was that a dream?

Had a weird dream last night. But the problem was... I couldn't confirm it was a dream.

This is the story.

The alarm rang at 8am and i snoozed it. Logically, the next time it rings it should be 8.10am. So i went back to sleeping and dreaming. The next time I looked at the handphone, the clock read 8.07am and the alarm sign is still on. Good, 3 more minutes, back to sleeping and dreaming.

Sleeping and dreaming was all good, but after feeling at i might have subconsciously swtiched off the alarm and continued sleeping, (yes, it happened befrore...) I opened my eyes to check the time and this is the weird part. The time read 8.05am and the alarm sign was off.

So what exactly happend? I don't really know. Don't even know if I dreamed all the parts in between.


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