Tuesday, June 26, 2007

staring incident...

What do most Singaporeans do when something happens?

Most Singaporeans stare. In army lingo, it's call eye power. The more extreme ones might point.

Yes, before doing anything, most Singaporeans do stare. I am not excluded. We stare. We stare in a way that seems to say, "what are you doing?" or, "what have you done?" Something along those lines.

I realise that i don't blog as often because I'm working, but I think I should, so here I am. There are many things that I see on my way to and from work. Interesting little titbit's of life. To lose these thoughts in the daily drone of life is just wasteful.

So back to the staring incident. On my way home from work today, I saw this foreign girl boarding the bus. It might not be the first time she was using the ez-link card but she boarded the bus from the exit anyways. She tried desperately to tap her card but it just beeped loudly. The loud "error" sound. It didn't help that there were people trying to get off the bus at the same time.The people alighting didn't really help or tell her that she had to get on from the front most of them just stared. People at the bus stop stared. I stared from the bus stop as well. In the end, she got off and boarded from the front.

Anyways, most of the time staring is bad for health.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

i feel infected...

I feel INFECTED. Not infected, INFECTED.

There was this ass on that sat next to me on the bus trip home. What's so special about sitting next to me? Nothing, if the bus happens to be filled to bursting. But no, NO, the bus was empty. with ample seats. There were empty seats next to his wife and child but no, NO, he had to sit next to me. But that's not the worst. The worst was he was coughing.The ass of a prick was coughing. Not the cough once "my throat is itching" kind of cough, it was a "i'm having a cough that's infectious" kind of cough.

The hyper-clean medic inside of me going crazy. And now the paranoid me thinks that I have a cough and my throat is itching. Even though it's like a do unto others what you want them to do unto you sort of thing applys most of the time, this time it's not good enough. I'm hoping that man doesn't have a bad case of TB. But I'm wishing he's gonna die soon.

The worst thing was after I got off the bus, I saw him walk and sit next to his fmaily. Screw him!!! What the... was he trying to infect me? I am pissed. It's a good thing I don't remember his damned face. If I did, I draw it, photocopy it, burn a copy, line the toilet with the rest and probably pass out the rest stating he's a religious bigot that been going around molesting little boys.

The worst in me seems to need to get out more often.

Friday, June 22, 2007


I'm back alive and kicking.

Feels quite good actually.

Was really tired. Fell asleep afew times when Er*ic, D*errick and Gle*n were debriefing and giving annoucements to the Boys. Dinner perked me up. But after reaching home. that was about it. Tried to play Starcraft with SQ. Fell sleep twice in the game. That's how bad it was. So I went to sleep at 8.30pm. Woke up at 9.30am. I think it's some kind of personal record, 13 hours.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

application of leave...

Will not be here for the next 3 days. Maybe 4 if I half die from the camp.

This is an application of leave. Will answer tagboards and entertain everyone again at the end of the week.

Monday, June 18, 2007

lord of the fries - fellowship of the shaker fries...

Today I had too much shaker fries. How is that even possible when it is probably one of the top 10 best invented junk food in fast food history. Well, as the old saying goes, " You can only have so much of a good thing."

As Harry Potter is drawing it's last gasps as the last book is finally coming out. I reckon it's time another great book takes Harry's place at the top of the bestsellers' list. So based on ACTUAL events this is the new story that will entwine itself into the hearts and minds of readers young and old worldwide. Considering half the world reads this blog while the whole world tags on the tag board, I'm thinking that it's not going to take too much trouble to spread the news of the new book.

Lord of the Fries - Fellowship of the Shaker Fries.

In the begining there was the humble potato farmer. She was a woman with a love for all things potato. However, she was not happy. The potato, her favourite root, just could not satisfy her cravings. The potato had to be more. She wanted it to become more than it could be. One day, out of a mere accident (what a convenient excuse) her clusmy husband bumped into her and caused her to drop her shredded potato into a vat of boiling oil. And out of this mere accident, The potato farmer created the first ever, french fry.

The humble potato farmer became famous but only after she added a ton of salt to the tasteless fried potato. The husband of course was not happy. He felt that he should be credited as the real creator as he caused the accident. Out of all the envy, he "crushed his wife like a cockroach" and claimed the secret to creating the great french fry via a sneaky sneaky hostile takeover. To conceal his identity, he created an alter ego with a white face and blood red hair.

(This ends the story written with the active imagination. Following is the story based on ACTUAL events.)

Days, months, years, decades, centuries past. The french fry is now a staple found in a mutlitude of eateries. But there was one fry. One Fry that ruled all other Fries. It was the Shaker Fry.

And one day, after alot (alot is actually an understatement, it might have also included hints of bribery and emotional blackmail.) of persuasion of a group of 3 Smelly people and 2 Older people decided to set off on a fellowship to attempt to find and shake the Fry, the Fry that ruled all other fries, the Shaker Fries.

One of the Smelly people was so smelly that the older of the Older people, Neater, requested that he take off his smellness and be clothed in a black cloak. This Smelly person is Black Nat. After being clothed in the special black cloak, Black Nat was no longer smelly. This caused the other Smelly Person to want run home. This Smelly Person is Budgie Soundalike. The rest of the Fellowship could do nothing to stop Budgie Soundalike from leaving and soon after the carridge came to take them to the Tower of the White Faced, Budgie Soundalike ran off and did not board the carridge. So it came to past that the Fellowship had it's first casulty and was broken. The burden of shaking the Fry, the Fry that ruled all other fries, the Shaker Fries came to rest on the shoulders of the remaining 4.

The trip on the carridge was quick and soon the remaining 4 arrived at the bottom of the Tower of the White Faced. The 4 did not face much resistance and they soon arrived at the counter and managed to obtain in their possession 4 Shaker Fries.

With the Fries in their clutches, the 4 made their way deep into the Tower's inner room and found a comfortable place to consume the precious in peace. The code of Shaking the precious Fries were followed strictly. Neatly almost did it wrongly, but the others were there to steer him back onto the correct way.

The 4 then proceeded to shake the precious. And shake they did. With great synchroneity the 4 shook the precious. The other Older person present, Ripper, then proceeded to rip the shaking bag to unveil the precious that is the Shaker Fries.

This ends the pilot episode of Lord of the Fries - Fellowship of the Shaker Fries.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

new job = no time...

It's been 2 weeks. And again, I must say the job's not bad. Yay for me.

But the downside is that it seems that I've decided not to update the blog as often. It's not that I've really no time, but I guess there doesn't seems to be anything really too interesting to blog about. There are some stuff that I had actually wanted to write about. Stuff that I saw happen on the bus trip to work. But most of the time, I forget by the time I reach home.

The other downside is the fact that I've apparently lost my readership. Hardly anyone seems to bother to tag anymore. Haha, must be a phase. I hope it's a phase.

Anyways, there is no work next week. Took the entire week off. That's right, the ENTIRE weeks, from Monday to Friday. That adds up to 9 days of being away from work. Today marks the start of the 9 whole days. I haven't started missing work yet. I really hope I don't. Imagine... Me... Miss work...

Next week is camp. Tuesday to Thursday. The main reason for losing out $225. Totally looking forward to it. It's been awhile since there was a BB event.

The first interesting (okie, maybe interesting isn't really the most appropreiate word) thing that happened in my long week off work is that some people I know have gone up to KL and coincidentaly terrorists decided to blow a bomb off at a major KL bus interchange. Fortunately, the news didn't say anything about Singaporeans casualties.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

first week...

It's been one week since I've started work. And it's been good. HQ is not a bad place to work. Erveryone is kinda childish, but I guess you have to be to enjoy working at a organisation where it mainly caters to kids.

Had intended to blog during the week. Had a couple of things to write about. However, I was just too lazy. Haha.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

the pencil parable...

The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box.

"There are 5 things you need to know," he told the pencil, "Before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be."

"One: You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in Someone's hand."

"Two: You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you'll need it to become a better pencil."

"Three: You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make."

"Four: The most important part of you will always be what's inside."

"And Five: On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write."

The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in its heart.

Author unknown

Of course it continues with putting yourself in the pencil's position. But you get the idea...

the paradoxical commandments...

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

Dr. Kent M. Keith

Saturday, June 02, 2007

a job...

Today was the Founders' Men Award Presentation Ceremony. Yea. Not excited at all. I hope none of the HQ people surf blogs. Haha. It wasn't that it was going to be boring, the fact is that everyone from 33rd is like overseas. G*len and the kids are overseas for service learning. The rest of the officers are at church camp. So it leaves me. Sian to the max.

Was just there to help in the ushering. But the free lunch was good. If you think it was a free lunch, it wasn't really. I did ushering. Anyways, the dishes form the restaurant was actually not bad. Had my favourite cereal prawns. Also got a job at lunch. So weird.

Point of the entry. Got a job. Finally. Lyd*ia says I'm "xian shi" (realistic) when I said I'm working for money. Well, Everyone needs money. Even the guy everyone thinks is filthy loaded. Derric*k probably thinking, "shameless..."

Yay!!! JOB!!!