Friday, October 13, 2006

ever had that feeling...

Ever had that feeling that you just need to stand up for yourself and almost every fibre in your body is screaming for you to say whatever you need to say out loud?

Then after you have decided to say it out loud, you hope at least every fibre of your body would at least quieten down? But it turns out now, they are screaming something about making the situation all the more worse.

That sums up just about how I feel right now.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

hiaz... test...

okie... there is a test tomolo and i'm suppose to be studying... but i'm not... hiaz... luckily alicia is like asking all sorts of questions... so yea... hopefully she'll ask something i dunno then i will go read... quite evil right???

the haze is back again... super sian... so dark so hazy...

tomolo is the last test... heng ah... so far one out of 3 test screwed up... forensic somemore... still act smart... never SU (declare satisfactory or unsatisfactory...)

the worst thing is that the sidebar of the blog is right at the bottom... whassup lah??? make the blog look longer??? must find out why...

must go study...

Monday, October 09, 2006

young and naive...

I saw my mother use her nail clipper this morning. What's so special? Nothing much actually. But the nail clipper has been there as long as I can remember. What's so special about the nail clipper? Alot.

The nail clipper is one of those that has a casing so that it can store the nail clippings and you can just throw it away later all at once. When I was like younger (maybe 5) I used to like using that nail clipper, because the nail magically diaaspears into the nail clipper. I was throughly amazed at how the nail clipper works. Nails go in, but they don't come out. At one point I was actaully so freaked out by this that I didn't really dare to look into the nail clipper to see where the nails went.

The other magical thing was that I didn't know that the casing could slide off and the nails could be thrown away. Of course I didn't ever see my mom empty the nail clipper either.

So young so naive.

Friday, October 06, 2006

hazy is an understatement...

Have you taken a look out a window recently? It is seriously hazy, seriously this is an understatement. It is friday, therefore had class till 10pm. The tricky question in the test did not help. Stupid stats, there are reasons why I'm in arts and not science/engineering.

So made my way from Arts to Science for lecture at 7pm. The building across the AYE look hazy. But at least you could see like maybe 500m to 1km away. Finished the test and left the lecture hall at ten. Couldn't see across the AYE. The only thing you can vaguely see is the ITE sign on the building. Visual decreased to about 200m. Walking under street lamps and the light shows the amount of stuff in the air.

The singapore meterlogical services states that the PSI at 7 is at 69. I wonder which part of Singapore they took the reading from. It should be more like 120.

some words of wisdom...

It's friday. This means that tomorrow is the weekend. It also means that I have class at 9am. Dr. Ho is the Lecturer. Here are some of his words of wisdom.

First impression counts alot. So when you want to make a good first impression, make sure that you are dressed the part as well. That why I'm dressed this way.

Dr. Ho usually wears a printed beach shirt and jeans.

Whenever someone says anything, British people tend to make some noise in response. They seem to see the need to make some noise.
What wisdom can we find from such utterance??? I have no idea.
Do you know that there are people in Singapore that grow scarecrows. If you happen to take 189 to NUS, before the bus turns onto Clementi Rd, there is a pink house on the right. In a open grass patch, there are 4 scarecrows. I'm quite sure they weren't as tall at the start of the week.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


do you know what hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is???

it is the fear of long words... isn't it weird that the term for the fear is one of the longest words that i've possibily ever seen...


if you are still reading this... it proves one thing... you are NOT afraid of long words...