Monday, October 09, 2006

young and naive...

I saw my mother use her nail clipper this morning. What's so special? Nothing much actually. But the nail clipper has been there as long as I can remember. What's so special about the nail clipper? Alot.

The nail clipper is one of those that has a casing so that it can store the nail clippings and you can just throw it away later all at once. When I was like younger (maybe 5) I used to like using that nail clipper, because the nail magically diaaspears into the nail clipper. I was throughly amazed at how the nail clipper works. Nails go in, but they don't come out. At one point I was actaully so freaked out by this that I didn't really dare to look into the nail clipper to see where the nails went.

The other magical thing was that I didn't know that the casing could slide off and the nails could be thrown away. Of course I didn't ever see my mom empty the nail clipper either.

So young so naive.


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