Monday, January 23, 2006

darth vader...

hahaha... found this out during english lecture... on historical variance in english... well i was going to blog about this two weeks ago... but i couldn't get the oxford english dictionary link to work so i couldn't find out what darth meant... anyhow... i'm blogging about it now... so there's no big difference...
vader as we all learnt was a term that people long ago called their fathers... the letter "f" was not used at that time... not by some people anyways... so they replaced it with a similar sounding letter... "v"... these are called allophones... well today i finally got the oxford english dictionary to work... actually i went to look for it... the link on the module website doesn't work... i don't know if prof peter tan will find this... but what the hey... and i found out what darth meant... it's a variance of the word dreath... darth is the 16th century word for it... it means splendor... so darth vader meant splendor father... maybe it should be father of splendor... wonder if george lucus will find this... i wonder if he actually knows about this... well... i don't think so...

Saturday, January 21, 2006


okie... this is just something that i saw on television when i was surfing through the channels just now... it was a channel 8 show... some period drama... then suddenly... a string of chinese characters streamed acrossed the screen... anyways... loosely translated... it said that due to technical difficulties... they couldn't show subtitles... but the subtitles were suppose to be in english... so how do they expect to understand the chinese apology that streamed acrossed the screen??? the people who are able to understand chinese and don't need to read the subtitles??? haha... okie... it's just stupid really...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

tiramisu... part II...

okie... just finished watching the show tiramisu... i've blogged about this show around a few months back... well in between then and now i've missed some episode and watched the rest... obviously... actually... i dun remember what i wrote in the first tiramisu entry... haha

after watching this episode... i really wonder if what it depicts of singaporeans is true... but then again i would first and foremost state that it is just a tv show... so back to the nonsense that i was going to sprout... do all families in singapore experience extreme differences with their families till they stop talking to them and even stop acknowledging the exsistance of such people in teir lives???

we all know that steve (that's the main character by the way...) hates his mother... steve's pissed because of the way his mother treated his father... today we find out that his mother hates her father (steve's maternal grandfather...)... she hates him for giving her away when she was six... so apparently this family is amazingly divided into 3 warring generations... with only one menber per generation... it is a really wierd out plot twist... the other person that we find out having a strained relationship with the parent is marcus (that's steve's assistant...)... marcus is apparently the heir a hotel chain in singapore... he hates his father because his father has an iron fisted contol over his life...

anyways... is the writers of the show trying to tell us something... something along the lines of singaporean kids are not having an open enough relationship with their parents??? this would make a good sociology paper topic... because... one... someone made it into a tv show... shows the relative hugeness of the problem... two... if it is such a big problem... there will be no problem finding children to interview... and lastly... i'm sure we all have bits and pieces of our lives that would be unfortunately relevant to this problem... we are part of the age group anyways...

i was going to blog about something else... but i can't remember... hahaha...

the weather report today was raining... at least in the afternoon... the best thing about the rain was that it wasn't pouring at a constant rate thoughout an extended period of time... i actually enjoy rainy days...

Monday, January 16, 2006

monday night...

today is monday night...

tonight... i watched the last episode of the 7o'clock chinese drama... the flick "crismon tide" after that... abit of the flick "the island"... actually just 15minutes of it... and the last episode of "project runway"... jay won by the way... and yup... waiting for the show "scrubs" to start at 12am...

well... it seems that i've finished the book "the curious incident of the dog at mid-night"... actually i've finished it last week... but just felt like writing about it now...

well well well... the book was interesting... interesting in a disturbing sort of way... it got me thinking... kids are getting harder to control... more so if the kids have "special needs"... the main character is such a person... but unlike the other kids with "special needs" he is normal by those standards... christopher is the main character... he is a genius... like all geniuses... he has social issues... he cannot stand being around strangers... that's all... but is brain is a machine... imagine taking the alevel c math at fifteen... and getting an a grade... sure it's just a story...

the story is good... enough twists... it all starts with a dead dog... and it ends with... i can't really remember... but he basically says he's gonna take his alevel f math the year after... like i said... it's just a story...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

so exciting...

it has been raining for the past 1 week past... the maximun period of time that it doesn't rain is probably 3-4 hours... that's during the day when i'm awake anyways... at night... i'm not too sure...

and that has been the weather report for singapore... forecast... probably rain... but sunny on saturday cause we're having swimming day... in the time period of 1230-1600 anyways...

well... school has started for like 4 days... out of these four days i went to school for 2... tuesday was a public holiday and today there isn't any class... anyways... i have a five day week... amazing for an arts fac person... but everyday i spend an average of like 3 hours in school... sigh... at least i found a person to go to every class/tutorial that i have... hahahaahaha...

Sunday, January 08, 2006

white feathers...

yesterday night i watched the 4 feathers... if you don't know what it's about then you're not really missing out on much actually... the movie's quite old... but i kinda of enjoyed it... even if it was a bit draggy... and quite immpossible to happen...but that's my opinion...
it was the year if 1882... i think... britian controls a quarter of the world and to not join the army was a act of anti-pariotism... and deserters were given a white feather to symbolise their corwadice...
that part above is the starting of the movie... not word for word... but close enough...
well i must say that the movie was not bad... the fighting scenes were good... especially the one where they fought in the desert forming up in a square...
the story is mainly about this guy... he hates fighting/wars... but he has this general for a father... so he joins the army... not much of a choice actually... well he didn't think that he'd actually be shipped out to fight... he thought that he'd survived the training... leave after a couple of years... make it seem like he served his time and country... but too bad... things never work out the way you expect them to... hahaha... so when his unit got sent out... he sent in his letter of resignation... amazingly it got accepted... and he got disowned and his finacee left him and he is now the new and "proud" owner of 4 white feathers... i wonder why he got 4... maybe it's because he has 4 best friends...
anyways... his frinds shipped out and a week later... he finds out that many of his regiment has died in action... feeling bad... he makes up his mind to go get them back... i'm sure many people have such amazing change of heart when they see people they know pass on... so he gets himself to sudan... amazing that ships actually still go there... okie... back to the story... he gets a guy to take him to a fort but because of his guide's irritating behavior... their porters kill the guide and leave our main character to die in the desert... amazingly he survives the hit to his head with a rock... climbs on a camel and travels across the desert on his own...
this part is a bit sick... parental advisory is necessary... desperate from thirst... he pricks his camel's neck and drinks the animal's blood... okie as an army medic... things don't usually freak me out... but this is actually quite disgusting... but sure i'll remember this when i have a camel in the desert and i'm dying of thirst...
a native, who actually speaks great english, then picks him up and helps him to get to where he wants to go... acts as a porter for a few weeks... then follows spies to this place... blah blah blah... this part is kinda boring... so i switched to another channel... okie... back to the story... the fighting starts... he manages to save his friends... he sends back his bestest best friend first... jack... but his best friend got blinded... so he doesn't know who sent thim back...
then he sends back tom... tom could see... then before he leaves... our main character... harry... gives him a white feather... meaning unknown to all excpect harry... but i think it was probably his way of saying i'm sorry...
then he gets himself arrested by the sudan rebels so that he could get into prison to save another friend... can't remember his name... after like months... they fake their deaths with the native that initially saves harry and runs away... kills 4 rebels who came after them on the way to freedom... then returns to england with te guy whose name i cannot recall... of course he gets a white feather too...
back in england he finds his finacee and gives her one... and since jack is staying with her... harry finally tells jack that he's back... and give the blind man his white feather... i did mention that harry has 4 best friends but one of them died in battle... that's why she got one... i can't remember the name of the guy who died as well... too bad... he died...
harry gets back his girl... in the end... so actually the whole story is about how this one guy travels to africa and gives out white feathers... actually there should be many other amazing stuff that happens... but... can't expect me to remember everything...

Friday, January 06, 2006

school's startting...

well... school is starting again... in about 3 more days...
the start of the sem just means one thing... that it's bidding time again... as usual... i got out bidded... must find easier stuff to bid for...
the last time i only got the last module in round 3f... which is the last round... if i didn't get that then i'll have to manually apply... okie... this time i hope not to repeat it... well hopefully... otherwise it'll turn to tradition...

well... this is the first blog entry of the year... mainly... it's ultimate purpose is to create a jan 2006 tab under the archives... hahaha...