Thursday, December 24, 2009

what i've been doing...

I have also been watching Scrubs and Grey's Anatomy.

The current season of Scrubs, 9, pales in comparison to the previous 8. Why? Because, they weren't supposed to have a season 9. They said goodbye in season 8. A great farewell. It was as good as killing off the main characters to ensure that the only way they could continue was to produce a season of flashbacks. But they didn't. They just said goodbye. So in season 9, it seems only 3 main characters are left. Where is Elliot? Where is Carla? WHERE IS THE JANITOR? They used the same entrance for 8 seasons. In the 9th, they have new people. It's not Scrubs anymore.

But at least there is always hope in Grey's.

what i've been doing...

Okie, so there are stuff that I have to do to fill up time.

And I've watched 2 movies. At the rate I watch movies these days, 2 in 2 weeks is an all time high. Furthermore, they are Hong Kong movies. I never really watch Hong Kong movies in the cinema because they release to videos so quick in their effort to combat piracy you might as well wait for 3 weeks and just buy the video release.

But if you have the time go watch Bodyguards and Assassins. was a disappointment.

what i've been NOT doing...

What have I been doing?


Then, how do you blog about doing nothing?

You can't.

So, I'm going to blog about how I've achieved doing nothing.

Doing nothing is an exaggeration. Because if I had really achieved doing nothing, I would have rotted away by the 3rd day. Or my mother would have swept me away on the 7th. But I have managed to not do anything that would be normally be considered part of my routine responsibility.

After Annual Camp, I've basically let go of all the BB stuff. But yea, some things need to be done. But they are just sitting there. Lifeline? Couldn't do it. They wouldn't talk to me. I cannot imagine a helpline that doesn't pick up, but it exists. Might explain the state that society is in. Gr*acia took it back. Annual Camp happened only 3 weeks ago. But it felt so long ago. Had a 4 day break before I went to ICT. I must say it is always relaxing in ICT. All I do is sit and watch. Thank God nothing happens. So this is day 4 after ICT. Maybe I'll go do other things. Need to. But before the year ended, I let go of another commitment. I got out of SP Com. I can't deny that saying/writing that I'm out gives me so much pleasure.

Just so tired.

Superheroes get tired too.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

mother tongues...

Well, late. But what the heck, everyone is still talking about it. Every other day in the forum, you see it, people talking about the new bilingual policy.

So here is my take.

I think the new direction that the policy is taking is great. Interest. Rote learning is so last century. Why didn't they think of this earlier? If they had attempted to teach creativity, I'm surprised that they didn't think they could teach interest. Although, this might be the next big problem; them trying to teach interest.

Another thing that surfaced over the weeks of forum was this one letter by this guy. This guy like many singaporeans have an innate, distinct, disdain toward the Mandarin taught in school. Hence, he never really mastered Mandarin but went on in life to speak 11 other languages. There was this other comment about how to learn a foreign language, that is to think in the language. It helps the speaker to immerse into the language. This could be another problem. In schools where the largest percentage of the population will find no meaning to learning Mandarin, they usually limit the language you can speak in school. Only English in the common corridors is something I remember form school. A limited exposure just reinforces the mentality that they don't need another language.

Language equality is important. That is something that we don't have. And that's something that is actually quite hard to achieve. Few people would see the need to have it. And due to individual social experiences, one language will always hold a higher status, more important, more intimate. That language will be dominant and used more often and expanded more extensively. How do you teach something like that? Brainwashing is not an option. No matter what you believe any government is capable of.