Week 3 - Dumb Blonds
Life has never been fair. That is one of the most cliché sayings that I know. It is also one of the sayings that I believe to be true, regardless of when and where you might be. But I might say that I am more inclined towards sayings that regard themselves with blonds.
Sitting at the café, I have been attracting a couple of stares. I must admit that I am quite a bombshell, a blond bombshell to be more exact. I am never quite comfortable with calling myself a blond bombshell. It is demeaning to begin with. However, I relish the attention. It has quite an ego boosting effect. Whenever I need a good self-esteem boost, I just stand at a crowded area and wait.
I would be good for a couple of good, long flirtatious stares, but sometimes the braver ones would approach and ask for a number. I would then flash my ring and watch their mouth open in a sheepish manner. It never fails to perk me up. I just realised that I do have a mean streak, or perhaps it is just the dumb blond in me looking for a cheap thrill. The dumb blond in me is quite easily satisfied.
Though I have to agree that the dumb blond gets out far too often, I do need to learn to keep it in check. Picking up the pink pencil, I wrote on the open notepad: keep frivolous blond self in check. It is untrue that I do not have any means of keeping my dumb streak in check. In fact I do have a tried and tested method that I use all the time.
My method is my pair of spectacles. Yes, most would immediately say that a pair of spectacles will never be able to make me any smarter. Yet, I would like to disagree. I may not feel any smarter. But it does help curb the urge to commit the occasional act that might inevitably lead to being labelled as a dumb blond. And if you are still not convinced, just take a look at Superman. He wears a pair of spectacles and amazingly, everyone sees Clark Kent and Superman disappears.
I am getting bored. I am supposed to be meeting someone at the café. I hope I didn’t get the time and place wrong. It is something that I seem to have a talent for, mistaking time and place. Fortunately, my friends are an understanding bunch. They take it more of a joke than a relationship threatening habit. However, I am oddly impatient, I am bored waiting. Fortunately, I am easily entertained. Firstly, I need to take off my spectacles.
Finally, I see the reporter coming. I still cannot believe that I have agreed to this interview. I really hope the interview turns out well. Being blond is already a disadvantage. I really do not need an unrepresentative interview showing me off as just another dumb blond.
“Right, sorry I’m late. Shall we begin? And by the way, I’ve decided to title the article: A blond MENSA Moment.” The reporter rambled on as he eased himself onto the café chair.
“Sure, just let me put on my spectacles.” I replied.
Labels: written in prose