Tuesday, September 27, 2005

why we should watch sesame street...

well i've always said that watching kids programmes are rewarding...
today i learnt how to say winter in alsakan... it's okiyoke... i'm not sure this is how to spell it...
but yup say it with me now... o-ki-yoke... now you know how to say winter in alsakan...

so use it don't lose it...

it's hard in singapore since there is no winter...

Sunday, September 25, 2005


hahaha... all u spam comments... no more!!! hahaha...
i just realise why some ppl's blogs ask for word verification when you comment... it's so that spam don't clog up the comments... so now it's finally on!!!
so goodbye spam...
i will now have less comments also...

Friday, September 23, 2005

first day of school...

it's the first day of school today... it's a friday if you think your calander's wrong... well the amazing think about NUS is that they start the holidays on SUNDAY... that's right... they start the holidays on the day that NOBODY has to work... except maybe the library... well... so it is a 5 day break and SO... holidays end on a thursday... and school starts on a FRIDAY... that's right the last FREAKING day of the week... and the worst thing is that all the lectures and tutors don't know the official reason for this senseless policy... so everyone's not very pleased...

for the first time in a long while... i felt sleepy during lecture... it hasn't happened yet actually so far... but for some weird reason... english lecture today was really draggy and in half an hour it felt like it was almost 2 hours... it didn't help that i was freezing today... probably was still in the holiday mode... only starts working at around 9... well in school got back my first litnd english test... not bad... got a b minus for lit and 23 for english... it's over 30...

after school went for lunch at subway... saying subway makes me want to eat subway... hmmm... almost lost my fairfield pass today... fortunately a nice person picked it up for me... hahaha... then went home wrote a long thing for bible study... so tired... then played some battle net... got whipped today... lost everything... so sad...

haiz... at least the first day of school happened to be the last of the week...

Sunday, September 18, 2005

plam beach...

haiz... had dinner at plam beach... at one fullerton... parents paid...
it's a chinese restruant... the waitress are all from china... makes it a really chinese chinese restraunt... it would have been more chinese but there were some stuff that made it not so chinese... actually there's only one... we drank chinese tea out of english tea cups... complete with saucers... that's so strange... and they didn't have chinese tea cups... okie that's not that bad... but i think they should treat their staff better... they way they make their staff pour tea is close to tortourous... needs to be seen to be believed... they actually hold the bottom of the HOT teapot instead of the handle... haiz... the things people do to get a job...

okie anyways... is currently having holidays... but will be writing many essays... more hiaz... will be watching a few flicks too... hahahaha... yay!!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

wise words...

wise words from the comic strip of baby blues... hammie ask whether if he had ever stayed at a hotel before... then his mom say yes, of course... it happened last year... then hammie says what that's so long ago!!! his mom says it's only last year... then hammie says... welll it's long ago... considering he had only lived for five...
this is so true... well i'm not sure about you but i had this experience before... when i was much younger... well probably when i started studying in primary school... one school year took very long to pass... but as you progress over the years... it gets faster and faster... now... it whizzes pass... and i can't really remember what really happens in the past week...

well some local news... 2 spastic people wrote on online blogs about anti muslim feelings... opps... i just insulted spastic people... sorry... didn't mean to clump u people with people who don't know better... anyways... from this incident... we learn that since we are in a multicultral society... we should know better... no need to impose your personel views on others...

well on someother point... the recent singapore world cyber games prelims just ended... today's digital life contains the names of the winners of the various games... i tried to find the person who won the warcraft 3 frozen throne catergory... his name is flyshow... apparently he is on all 4 servers... asia, europe, america east and west... but the wried thing is he doesn't play standard games... and his arranged games are quite low level... so by winning the local games... he must be a gaming genius... sorry sounds like i'm sour grapes... but u bet i'll be rooting for him in the international WCG in november... and YAY!!! it's in singapore... hahahaha

Friday, September 09, 2005

the fear of silence...

okie i just found out (not officially...) that i have an inate fear of silence... i have no problem with being alone but if it's too quiet i go nuts... okie... not nuts as in all the screws are out of their respective holes... but i will get restless... that's why i will switch on the radio... i am so happy for the invention of the radio... so what if the tv star killed the radio star and the tv star got his butt kicked by the internet star??? i still love the radio... it's mobile for one... tv mobile doesn't count... it's not mine... and those handheld tv... what are we watching anyways???

haha... this week passed fairly quickly... it's tutorial week... so yup... spent more time in school... but it's still peanuts compared to the amount of time the rest of the university spent in school... actually i can't remenber what exactly happens over the week but i did spend alot of time writing stuff... that's why i'm writing now... need a dose of leisure writing... i got a feeling that my sociology tutor has it in for my group... he always gives my group the wriedest topics for discussion... and the made fun of the magazine that we brought for the tutorial discussion... what's with that??? by the way he spends alot of time in pubs... all his stories happen in pubs...

need to write more essays... need to go look for more info... hmmmmmmm.... need to upkeep my battle net account also... hahaha... it's time for some fun... it friday anyways...


Monday, September 05, 2005

time is of the essence...

what can i say... i never thought that i'll hve no time to blog... but unfortunately that is the case... school has started and the readings never seem to stop...
okie... i'm kinda making that up... just haven't blogged in a long while... but school does seem to take up alot of time these days... probably since there was nothing taking up too much time in the last 4 months... really there isn't much to write about... hmmmm.... maybe i should just stop writing...
