Saturday, July 15, 2006

"eca"s vs "cca"s...

If you are no a Singaporean, you'll probably think it's another 2 wrestling companies fighting. But it's not.
ECAs are Extra-Curricular Activities. These existed long ago when I was a student in secondary school.
CCAs are Co-Curricular Activities. This is the spanky new (new is subjective, it was new 5-6years ago) name they came up with for ECAs.

What's the difference? Nothing much. Even when it was called ECAs back in secondary school. It was also madatory for all to join one. Mandatory and Extra just don't mix, do they? But even though it was deemed Extra long ago, it seems that the people who joined up for it, took it more seriously. They came more regularly and took it less for granted.

Now that it's a Co-Curricular Activity, the people who join seemed to think it's less important and don't come as regluary. Even though the people up there think it's more important now.

I think as educators they missed a big part of how the teenager mind works. If you've ever been a teenager, you'll know that unless you were some saint, you'll probably do most things that your parents say you shouldn't be trying. Teenagers only do stuff that they don't or shouldn't be doing. Or things that are Extra. Getting them to do anything else that they don't want can turn out to be a nightmare. I wonder how I survived my teen years.

It's like how they advertised the newest youth park in town. They called it the "coolest" new place in town. The very fact that they call it cool makes it uncool to kids.


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