Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Today I was spending some time in the arts canteen when a table not far from us started to celebrate a guy's birthday. What was so interesting about this 3 people trying to celebrate a friend's birthday? Nothing, really.

But then they started praying for the birthday guy. What's so special about this? Nothing, as well. We do it all the time when we prayer for a person's birthday or when we say grace, we pray in public. What's so special about praying in public? Nothing, nothing really special about that.

But, as they were praying, this girl walked past and stared at them. This irked me. She had a look that said, "What the heck are you doing this in public??!?!?" And she stared for like a good 5 seconds. Long enough for any Ah Beng to pick a fight for staring. Hmmm, can't help feel that she isn't Singaporean.

Need to get back to writing the business GEM paper. I REALLY hope i got the gist right.


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