Thursday, November 12, 2009

the night i nearly died...

Please hold all judgment till the end.

On Tuesday, I went home not feeling too well. When I reached home, I had diarrhea and started to vomit. So, Mother forced me to see a doctor that night. All notion of food caused me to want to retch. Imagine I couldn't sit in front of the television showing food when I was waiting for my mother. All the more I couldn't take the smell of the Pasar Malam in front of the clinic. After the doctor, I went home, slept awhile, not well though. Had problems breathing. Had to send an email to settle some school stuff, so I think I did this at about 12ish. My labored breathing woke up my brother, and that's when the hospital part started. In the ambulance, the paramedic told me I might have punctured my lung from excessive stress from vomiting. So I reached the hospital with this feeling that I don't need anyone opening me up, I'll live with the hole in my lung. They took an x-ray and told me I was fine, but they couldn't find out why I had shortness of breath. After they found out there was nothing life threatening, they tried to get me to slow down my breathing. My fingers were so numb. My fingers are still kinda numb right now. SO I was pumped with 4 bags of fluids and multiple injections. I went in and out of consciousness, or maybe I fell asleep, I don't really recall too much about that happened. It didn't really feel like I had spent 5 hours in A&E.

There was some karma somewhere in all that. Some of you will know that I used to be a medic. As all medics go, there is a initial "don't cao keng (don't act sick)" feeling. So I got that feeling from the nurses that night. Haha.

Never really imagined that I need to go to hospital in an ambulance. First time for everything.


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