Wednesday, August 09, 2006

national day....

There is a question which answer is more closely guarded than a woman’s real age. The question is: how patriotic are young Singaporeans? All we ever do is talk about how we are constricted by the government, how there are rules everywhere, and most of all, how national service is a real disruption to our lives.

But on one day everyone young and old wears the pride of being Singaporean on their sleeves. National day, that’s today by the way. On this one day, you see 50,000 people wear the national colours and fill up a stadium and sing “nation building” related type of songs. And like most other Singaporeans, I love the national day parades. I think this year’s National day song is better than the last few years. It sounds very “sing-along-able”. It’s probably going to get stuck in my head soon.

I think older people are more openly patriotic than the younger generations. Must be that they’ve been through a lot more. So as a member of the younger generation, I think we should be more open about it. I don’t think we need to actually go through a rough patch before we learn that Singapore is treating us fairly well. It’s not going to kill us to say “I love Singapore” more often. It’s not going to make us seem less “cool”. It’s definitely much inline with the image of Singaporeans being very “law-abiding”. Although I think we all say it enough inside, when we are all alone.

So, here I am saying, I love Singapore, happy National Day. This is my National day blog entry.


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