Thursday, August 03, 2006

more weird dreams and what not...

Okie, before anything else, if you want to do a short and simple personalilty test, draw a mouse. Test results at the end of this post. There's also a titbit for Heath Ledger fans somewhere in this post.

Had another weird dream. After having 3 in 3 nights last week, was seriously worried when I wasn't dreaming for awhile. So one more more the books. There was a rat somewhere. All it did was wake me up. That part was hazy. Fell back to sleep. This is where the weird part starts. I ended up in some forested area and it was like an in-camp-training. For those that don't know, ICT is when old men go back to the army for their yearly male bonding.

Anyways, it involves the DJs from 987fm Veron A and Justin, the Morning Muttons. they were apparently filming some PR ad for the army but it didn't feel very PR because that were techincally being shot at. Unless they were trying to show that the army was very accurate and they were in no apparent danger. Okie, fast forward. I end up sitting on barb wire as if it was a couch. And it wasn't all that painful. Hope it doesn't really happen in real life.

Fastforward again, the next group on old men come into the training ground. They happen to be doing something infront of this huge door. Remember the big door in Jurrasic Park? Only it's made of wood. Well while they were doing stuff, this kid came around with this really huge wild boar. What's so special is that this boar actually knows how to close AND lock the doors behind him. Weird.

Fastforward to the last part of the dream. I think I went home with the kid. Yes, I must admit that going home with strange kids isn't what is consider really "safe". Anyways, We around with his family. Bought lemongrass and ended up at my neighbourhood coffeeshop. But everything was closed, Can't remember the reason though.

Okie that's about it for this dream. It's kind of broken up here and there. But it a dream, I'm more surprised that I can remember so much of it. And here's the Heath Ledger titbit. He's going to be in the next Batman movie, The Dark Knight. And guess which character he's going to play? He's going to be the Joker!!! Actually, I find it less than amusing. 2007. Can't wait.

-Okie, results time!!!-

If you drew the mouse facing left, you're suppose to be friendly. If you drew your mouse with 4 legs, you're stubborn. If you drew your mouse with whiskers, you're suppose to pay attention to details. If you have huge ears on your mouse, you are supposedly a good listener. If you drew anything other than a normal mouse, meaning you drew a computer mouse or some cartoon characters you are creative. Yup... I think that's it.


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