Monday, August 21, 2006

misleading signs at newton...

When I say Newton Food Centre, what do you really think about?

Do you think of...
(1) tastey, if overpriced food?
(2) stalls opened till the wee hours of the night?
(3) many tourists?
(4) packed till overflowing on weekends?
Well, one more to the list should be
(5) the misleading signs that says that there is an atm [automated transcation machine]
Visited Newton on Saturday night, needed to visit an atm. There was a sign that says atm with a direction arrow. you turn the corner and you see another sign that says the same thing. So there's 2 signs that says that there is a atm at this particular corner that doesn't seem to exisit. Upon further probing, I found out from a drink stall owner that the "nearest" atm was at Newton MRT station. Five minutes walk. But the thing was the signs were pointing in the correct direction. Problem was it didn't say that you had to cross a road and make your way to the MRT station.


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