Wednesday, May 17, 2006

election aftermath...

Elections come once every 4 years. That means political entertainment is few and far apart.
Well, it has come and it has gone. And as usual, they will find various excuses to expalin their losses. For the opposition, they come up with reasons while campaigning. For the PAP, they do the logical thing and come up with stuff after.

Especially for PAP candidates that fight in opposition held wards. They have to explain why they didn't beat the opposition with their superior everything. Anyways, in today's papers, they ran an article about two PAP candidates who lost while fighting for opposition held wards. In the papers, they say they were contemplating on withdrawing from politics or staying for the next elections.

It is so ironic that they have said this, especially after what they have said regarding an opposition candidat Steve Chia. Steve Chia said that he would quit politics if he didn't get elected this elections. The PAP used that as a staging point against him. They said: "Do you want a stayer? Or do you want a Quitter?" So who are the quitters now? Furthermore, they have also pulled out most of their services that they have been providing for the residents. One candidate went as far as to say that he would be a "goondo" (stupid) to continue to provide those services for the opposition town council. Isn't this such an unsporting act? you pull out services for the residents, not the opposition candidate. The people who get the short end of the stick happen to be the residents. If the PAP wants to get more votes, maybe all they need to do is to provide these small services so that the residents know that they actually care all the time, not just when the elections are coming.

Pulling out these services just proves what sour grapes they are. They even made a comment that they were not sour grapes. They merely wanted the opposition party to be able to do stuff themselves so that the opposition can prove that they are worth vothing for. There is a chinese saying that only people who do bad things will feel guilty. So inorder to not look like sour grapes, they come forward first to claim that they are not.


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