Sunday, January 17, 2010

what is race?

What exactly is race?

Isn't it just another way to draw another line to tell people that they do not belong?

Of course, another to see it is to see it as another way to draw the line to tell people that they DO belong.

Recently, with the new changes that now allow for a dual race classification, a whole new generation of Singaporeans are voicing their views on the issue. Going off on a minor tangent, why is it called "double-barrel" race?

Coming back, how does this help in anyway in building the identity of a nation? Will this actually help people of mixed parentage to feel more connected to their roots? What does being connected to your roots actually mean? Most youth in Singapore today, identify more with the westernized, tv culture that they grew up with rather than the more traditional culture that they are supposedly connected to via heritage. Perhaps they should allow parents to choose "MTV Generation".

And what happens in the future when 2 parents of "double-barreled" races have children? If a Chinese-Malay and a Indian-Eurasian have a child, what is the child's race? Are they going to allow the ultimate race of permutations of "CMIO"? This might be funny, but this is really going to become complicated, real soon.

Race is sensitive. Classification only highlights the difference. Difference is sensitive.


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