Thursday, January 21, 2010

$100 million...

$100million dollars is quite alot of money. But that is the amount that FIFA is asking for the rights to show the World Cup 2010. I wonder what FIFA is thinking about when they keep going on about how the wages of footballers and club debts are skyrocketing out of control. So how does asking for so much money to televise the World cup tie in with trying to control the soccer industry.

But that's too complicated. Instead, I'm going to give examples of what $100million dollars can get you.

First. You can send 6798 people to South Africa to watch the World Cup.

Each person will cost $20629.58. Each person will get one air ticket and tickets to all the matches. The Singapore Airlines, First class return tickets will cost $7459. These 6798 people will be able to watch all the matches at a seat in the first row, at the centre line. That will cost $18455.58. Each person will have to find their own accommodation, but the expensive things are paid for.

Second. Buy a 11% stake in Liverpool.

I wonder who might take this option. But you can buy a 11% stake in a ex-Champions League club for $100milion. Don't expect returns soon though.

Third. Buy 227 units at the Pinnacle@Duxton.

At the first release, one 5 room flat cost $439,400. Buying a block is a good investment. It's going to give a better return than Liverpool. Sorry to all Liverpool fans, but the truth hurts.

Fourth. Buy 50million packets of chicken rice.

At $2 a packet, it is cheap and good. In order to finish 50million packets, you need 2747 people to eat chicken rice 2 meals a day, for 50 years. Of course, chickens wouldn't be too happy.

Last. Retire at the age of 25.

Let's assume you are done with university at the age of 25. So you retire upon graduation. Let's also assume that most people live for about 80 years. So for 55 years, you can spend $1,818,181 a year. Almost 2 million a year or about $4981 a day. Sounds like good living.

I think $100million can be better spent.


Anonymous wanni said...

Wow. 100 million can do so much.

So times 4 to everything and we can account for the 400 MILLION Singtel spent on EPL.

This is a prime example of that Chinese proverb about the stork and the clam eventually benefitting only the fisherman.

Friday, January 22, 2010 3:01:00 pm  

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