Tuesday, June 09, 2009


I haven't been doing QT recently. Maybe that's a reason why I'm not entirely sure why life seems to be falling apart. Falling apart = NIE not getting back to me, not knowing if I'm actually entering into this NIE cohort.

So I decided to do QT. I just did it. Anyway, I'm doing this daily devotional by John Piper. Over the semester, I've been doing it quite regularly, but since exams started and semester ended. I haven't really read it. And usually, not usually, all the time when I use to read the devotional, there always seems to be something in the devotional that would speak to me. I don't do the book everyday, so yea, when I do it, it speaks to me.

However, when I did it just now, I felt lost. I can't see how this applies to me, how it applies to my life right now, how it puts my life into perspective. I think one of the things that I'm most afraid of is not being able to comprehen. It was talking about yuppies being yucky missionaries.

I'm lost.

I think I need to get back into the groove. Maybe then, I'll be able to understand the direction that my life has taken. 2 months ago, I said I couldn't understand why God would have me write an article on looking for a job in this current time. I was accepted into NIE. I was set. Now, I'm not so sure. Maybe the article was in preparation for this fiasco.

I need to read Jeremiah 29:11.


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