Tuesday, May 24, 2005

the weather...

Jack:" So the weather's been really bad lately..."
Jill:" Erm... yes it has..."
Jack:" Hmmmm...."

what do people talk about when there's nothing to talk about or when the silence just gets too stifling? they talk about the weather... well i've got nothing much to talk about too... but i feel the need to write something... so i'm going to comment on the weather anyways... as i'm not a world reknown blogger who needs to satisfy the millions who tune in every single day as if they have nothing else more important to do... i'll probably get away with this sort of slip-short effort of a blog...

well the weather has been bad... it's like humid in the morning... rising to an umfortable temperature at noon... with dark cloulds gathering around two to three... and the rain pouring around four to five... then the rain stops in the evening time just as people start to leave work... but even as the rain stops the air is still uncomfortably humid... perks of living in the tropics...

it doesn't mean i don't like the rain... in fact i love the rain... i love the way it's calming and i love the relief it gives from the heat... by the way i like sunny days too... but what i don't like about the rain is the fact that it makes my feet wet... as the shoes i'm wearing is kinda holey... actually it's really holey... it's made that way... it's not old... not that old anyways... stepping into puddles is an absolute no no... unless u like wet socks... so usually i don't wear it if it's already raining... but these days it quite hard to tell... it may be dark thundering but then again the rain may not come...


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