Sunday, April 24, 2005

what movie???

just finished watching the movie swordfish... was actually clueless about what it was about... i mean did you know what the movie was about? at first i thought it was a hacker movie... i mean that's what the flick is mainly about... like the ad said "the world's best hackers could do it in sixty minutes... i need a person to do it in sixty seconds... then i thought it's one of those ovies with a mixed gendre... a bank stealing movie plus computer hacking movie... i mean that's true too... the were planing to steal some money by hacking through the bank's system... then it got wried again... the film incorperated another gendre... the police story... then right at the end... john travolta's character clears it all up in an amazing 15 minutes... it turns out that the movie is about national security... he's doing all the bad things all for the good of his country and their way of living... then right at the end of the movie they show john's and halle's character killing one of the world's most infamous terrorists... okie maybe... if they did a show about killing terrorist maybe they can have sequels... there were many terrorist to kill... hahahaha... sorrie to any terrorist out there... the flick was cool though... it was a interesting... the plot twist were great... and the pic was filmed great... the bombing scene was totally cool... i mean if anything... the way they handled the hostages most terrorists can learn from them...


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