Sunday, April 10, 2005

the lord of the files...

i just finished reading the book... i happened to come across it when i was going through by bookcase... thought it had something to do with the flick the fly... horriblily wrong... it's actually about a group of boys stuck on a tropical island with no adults... think of it as the reality show surivior with the pretty girls and the one million dollars... it's actually a book that was used as a literature text in school... found that out when someone saw me reading it... okie... it's not a bad book... it's actually quite interesting... but as all literature text goes... some parts are totally lost in itself... the book goes on about how different ideas will fracture the relationship between people no matter how simmilar in character the persons are... as in the main characters ralph and jack... the book was set in the time at the end of the second world war... i think... and the boys are all brits... don't take it wrongly... but i think the brits are not all that high and mighty... as the expectations of them to be a civilised bunch... the author writes about something that we all can relate to... the chance to let go... to let go of the conformities and social norms that we are so attached to... on the island the boys were at first civilised... they tried to set up a structure... a social structure... then as time went on some of them found clay which they used to hind their faces when they went hunting... this liberation gave them a freedom they had never tasted before in the rigid english society... accidicted to this freedom they abandoned the structure... they became savages... lived by the primal law of survival of the fittest... the weaker were pushed out and a new more barbaric structure took over... but living on an island, no matter how prefect, alone is still no way to stop fear from seaping into society... in the book it says of a monster which comes out of the ocean in the night... a monster so frightening that none have the courage to face it... my friend said the book's about how no adult supervision and direction will lead to a society where everything goes and only the fit can survive... mainly that would be the case... but i feel that the book is more of the will to survive... given the circumtances the boys were in they still managed to live on regardless of the presence of an adult figure... nothing can triumph over this primal instinct in us all... just like the boys on this island... the author probably lived through the war with nothing more than his will to survive to make it through the darkest and bleakest time of his life... only he didn't do it on a tropical island with food available... he did it on a island surrounded by the enemy... the enemy just like a monster coming out of the ocean every night...

for all those that need to read the book but haven't you can use whatever is stated here...


Blogger Kitty said...

Lord of the Fly or something like this is it? My boyfriend told me bout it before.

Hey check out my new layout!

Sunday, April 10, 2005 8:56:00 pm  

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