Monday, December 01, 2008


It's exams. I think. Wait. I'm quite certain it is. But the stuff that I'm doing seems to imply that holidays have all but started and (horrors of horrors) in full swing. I spent more time in town during the last week than most of the semester combined. I'm watching more television as well.

I watched hairspray while trying to study for SFG yesterday night. Notice I said I tried to study while watching hairspray and not tried to watch hairspray while studying. Yes. My priorities seems to need some kicking about.

But then again, I'm blogging about hairspray. And if you are confused why I was looking at a canister of hair product, I'm not. I am referring to the movie. And it was a great movie. Great and not just good. It's about race and how we all too often succumb to the pressures of expectations. It's great because they tell you that you don't need to. You can make your life the way you want it to be, be more than what people expect you to be.

John Travol*ta in a fat suit as a mothering sort was fresh. You can live your life the way that is outside convention. I'm doing my part by not being overtly concerned with exams.

Halfway through. 4 days to the end.


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