Saturday, January 06, 2007

the first post of the year...

Wanted to post this story for a long time. But just didn't feel like it till now.

There was a tightrope walker. He was a very good tightrope walker.
One day, he walked across the tightrope with a balancing pole.
Reaching the other side he turned to ask the crowd if they thought he could do it without the help of the balancing pole. The crowd said yes and cheered as he completed it without the pole.
The he asked the crowd if they thought he could do it carry a monkey. The crowd cheered,"Yes!!!"
The tightrope walker completed it with the monkey and then asked if they thought he could cross the tightrope pushing a wheelbarrow while carrying the monkey. The crowd having seen him do all the other challenges roared a resounding yes.
Upon completing the feat, the tightrope walker asked the crowd they believed that he could do everything he just did in addition to having a person sitting in the wheelbarrow. The crowd screamed that he could.
But when the tightrope walker asked for a volunteer to sit in the wheelbarrow, noone volunteer.

So what's the point of the story?
It's easy to say you believe something, but doing stuff for what you beleive in is a totally different story.

I lost a module during the bidding period because I got screwed by CORS (the system that allocates modules in NUS). Fortunately, the module is available for bidding again. YAY!!! I hope i get it for 1 point. But just to be safe, I bidded 750.


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