Monday, December 04, 2006

bad start to a day... ouch!!!

okie... this is really a bad start to the day... went as usual to the track for a little jog... everything a usual... then there is this lady... nothing wrong with a lady... carrying a dog while running...

Suddenly, she starts screaming. I was kinda shocked. I ran past her without really hearing what she said. Then she said it again. Bees. This time there was visual aid. There were bees flying around her. I don't know what she did to the piss the bees off but they were pissed with her. I asked her if she needed help to carry her dog as she seemed to be having trouble running away with the dog.

Me: Do you need help to carry YOUR dog?

Crazed Bee lady: No, the dog belongs to my son.

Who answers a question like that? Grice would have turned in his grave, talk about being cooperative. I think Ho Chee Lick would have found this extremely funny. Anyways the bees were flying around me already by then. So I ran off.

Some weird things that I noticed now that I don't have crazed bees flying around me:

1. The rest of the people at the track didnt seemed to be affected by the bees.
2. Where was her son? I hope she didn't leave him somewhere with more crazed bees.
3. The dog seemed to be enjoying itself. Wasn't barking, wasn't irritated by the bees.

Okie... got stung twice... i hope the bee lady is fine... if the papers run an article on some lady dying from bee stings, i might feel bad... i hope i don't get a delayed allergic reaction during the exam later... imagine me foaming at the mouth during the exam...


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